
They wanted to own their streaming platform so they could choose how it should be designed

  • Web application

  • Integrate existing solutions

  • Increase usability with a mobile application


Cure and Care and Enablment collaborated on creating the membership system, web and mobile application

The web application is developed…

  • in modern and well supported frameworks

  • hosted on a Cloud service for security, up-time and scalability

Platform is integrated with…

  • a payment system to handle memberships

  • a video streaming provider

The mobile application is developed…

  • in React Native for IOS and Android both

  • to connect with Airplay and Chromecast


Cure and Care own their streaming platform where they choose which way to go strategically

  1. The platform is robust, scalable and flexible for further development of new features

  2. The integrations minimize complexity in the platform

  3. Cure and Care has increased the platforms useability, members can consume the content on the run and host it on their tv