DN.se - Webb TV
Formats and prices
Ad specifications
The material must be adapted to the advertising system Google Ad Manager (GAM) Bonnier News use out of. The clickTag variable should be used as a definition for the click-through URL in all the clickable areas in annonsen.Detta for us to measure clicks on it, and that it should be possible for AdOps to the request to change / add the destination url in efterhand.Vi then recommend the use of clickTag ie NOT to hard-code click-through URL GAM warns about the lack of proper clickTags or if there is a URL hardcoded in annonsen.clickTagen be easy for the ad server to read, use no minification or obfuscation. (However, there is no problem to use it on the rest of the material) The script for the clickTag variable must be in the head-taggen.Försäkra you that all surfaces to be clickable using the clickTag variable definition of click-through URL.
Examples where clickTag is implemented in HTML code:
-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
<meta name="ad.size" content="width=300, height=250"><script type="text/javascript">var clickTag="http://www.google.com";</script></head>
[The residue of YourCreative code goes here.]</html>
NOTE! Make sure that the surfaces to be clickable using the clickTag variable definition for the click-through URL:
<a href="javascript:window.open(window.clickTag)"><img src="images/dclk.png" border=0>
Multiple click tags counts up to the same number. - Destination links should be annexed in the email sent to the Bonnier news. - If you have multiple destination links to specified those with which clickTag used. In a scenario where the destination link must be hard-coded in the creative for example when the link is created dynamically, or the like. Then clickTag be added before the link destination as shown here: window.open (clickTag + "http://www.advertisersite.com/subpage", "_ blank"); or this: window.open (clickTag + dynamicUrlObject, "_ blank"); If the destination of the link contains characters? or & link should be coded as follows: clickTag + encodeURIComponent ( "http://www.advertisersite.com/subpage?var1=12&var2=34") In this scenario, do not the destination link is sent to the publisher, just a statement that the destination link is hard-coded in creative, and that clickTag tracking has been set.
Web TV supports VAST up to version 4.0. Vpaid not supported.
We currently only accept VAST tags from Adtoox, Delta tags and DCM.
Click here for information on supported features for VAST.
Video recommendations:Size: Aspect ratio 16: 9, the recommended resolution of 1920x1080.
Film Length: 15 sec
Container: MP4
Video codec: H.264
Max flow rate: 30
Audio Codec: AAC
Audio sample rate: 48000 Hz
Audio levels: -23 LUFS (+/- 1.0) in the EU as per EBU R128
Maximum audio true peak: -1.0 dBTP
Video Bitrate: 2500 kbps minimum
Audio Bitrate: 128 kbps minimum - maximum 320 kbps
Information on drug ads
As for the marketing of pharmaceuticals, prescription, non-prescription and herbal remedies
Annonser om klimat och hållbarhet ska generellt sett vara seriösa, trovärdiga, faktabaserade, balanserade, ej hårdvinklade eller överdrivna.
Annonser om klimat och hållbarhet ska vara strikt korrekta när det gäller fakta. Påståenden ska beläggas, källhänvisning till seriöst faktaunderlag kan krävas.
Påståenden om klimatnytta från en annonsör/ett bolag ska vara balanserade och förankrade i verkligheten - överdrifter ska ej förekomma.
På våra premiumannonsplatser publicerar vi inte annonser från aktörer som har huvuddelen av sina inkomster från fossilindustrin.
På premiumannonsplatserna förordar vi klimatannonsering som präglas av hållbarhet - och inte exempelvis marknadsföring av bensinbilar och långa flygresor.
Vi förbehåller oss rätten att avvisa annonser som inte lever upp till ovanstående krav.