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Best Print advertising providers


3652 brands found

Witte Weekblad Nieuw-Vennep

Local News ·
Oplage: 18.700 exemplarenVerschijnt als lokale huis-aan-huiskrant in de gemeente Nieuw-Vennep 
Active in Netherlands
Offers Print
Reaches 52% women, 48% men, 13-65 years

De Woudenberger

Local News ·
Oplage: 6.200 exemplarenVerschijnt als lokale abonneekrant in de gemeente Woudenberg. Verschijnt maandelijks als huis-...
Active in Netherlands
Offers Print
Reaches 53% women, 47% men, 13-65 years

Bunniks Nieuws

Local News ·
Oplage: 18.500 exemplarenVerschijnt als lokale huis-aan-huiskrant in de gemeente Bunnik 
SluitingstijdMaandag 10.00 uur...
Active in Netherlands
Offers Print
Reaches 59% women, 41% men, 13-65 years

Wijks Nieuws

News ·
Oplage: 18.500 exemplarenVerschijnt als lokale huis-aan-huiskrant in de gemeente Wijk bij Duurstede 
Active in Netherlands
Offers Print
Reaches 59% women, 41% men, 13-65 years
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Dansk Aktionærforening

Investing · Vi er de private investorers interesseorganisation. Vores målgruppe består af investorer med vidt forskellige tidshorisonter og investerings...
Active in Denmark
Offers Print
Reaches 68% men, 32% women, 25-65 years

Tidningen Elbilen

Car culture · Allt om elbilar sedan 2013! Mycket har hänt sedan vi startade tidningen. Inom kort kommer i stort sett varenda biltillverkare att lansera h...
Active in Sweden
Offers Print
Reaches 50% women, 50% men, 24-65 years

Kauppalehti Optio

Business · Kauppalehti Optio deals with business and financial events, and focuses on the development of organizations and well-being at work. The maga...
Active in Finland
Offers Print

Kauppalehti Fakta

Business · Kauppalehti Fakta offers tools for supervisory work and self-management Kauppalehti Fakta is a magazine for a better working life. As a spec...
Active in Finland
Offers Print


Tech Business · Haal optimaal rendement uit uw mediabudget vanwege het doelgerichte én hoogwaardige bereik van MarketingTribune! 
MarketingTribune is...
Active in Netherlands
Offers Print


Sales · U haalt optimaal rendement uit uw mediabudget vanwege het doelgerichte én hoogwaardige bereik van CustomerFirst...
Active in Netherlands
Offers Print


Tech · MacGuiden är Sveriges bästa och viktigaste tidning för alla användare av Apples produkter. Det är ett magasin för nyfikna och kreativa använ...
Active in Sweden
Offers Print

First Foto

Tech · FirstFoto is, thanks to its mix of photo guides, photoshop schools and tests of new cameras, one of the most popular photo magazines in Swed...
Active in Sweden
Offers Print
Reaches 71% men, 29% women, 45-65 years

Cycling Plus

Bicycling · Want to become stronger and faster while riding your bike? Then Svenska Cycling Plus and is the only thing you need! In each ...
Active in Sweden
Offers Print
Reaches 75% men, 25% women, 35-50 years

Allt om MTB

Bicycling · If you want to learn how to ride your bike through the forest with the speed and technique of a professional, just open an issue of Allt Om ...
Active in Sweden
Offers Print
Reaches 78% men, 22% women, 35-54 years


Business · är Sveriges ledande oberoende tidning inom kvalitets- och verksamhetsutveckling. Kvalitetsmagasinet vänder sig till personer som arbetar med...
Active in Sweden
Offers Print

Kyrkans Tidning

Religion & Spirituality · Kyrkans Tidning är en redaktionellt fristående tidning med Svenska kyrkan och kyrkliga frågor som största bevakningsområden.  Papperstidning...
Active in Sweden
Offers Print
Reaches 64% women, 36% men, 35-65 years

Fremtidens Byggenæring

Advertising · er Norges største beslutningstaker magasin rettet mot en byggenæring i rask endring. Fremtidens Byggenæring er med sitt opplag på 17 236 eks...
Active in Norway
Offers Print
Reaches 60% men, 40% women, 20-65 years

Samferdsel & Infrastruktur

Advertising · Samferdsel & Infrastruktur er et av Norges største beslutningstaker magasin rettet mot Samferdsel og Infrastruktur sektor i rask endring. Sa...
Active in Norway
Offers Print
Reaches 67% men, 33% women, 23-65 years


Advertising · Fagmagasinet Eiendomsforvaltning er Norges største beslutningstaker magasin rettet mot hele eiendomsbransjen alt fra forvaltere av eiendom t...
Active in Norway
Offers Print
Reaches 65% men, 35% women, 24-65 years

Filipstads Tidning

Local News · Filipstads Tidning är en lokaltidning och har en stor och lojal läsekrets som täcker hela kommunen och dess omgivningar.Filipstads Tidning e...
Active in Filipstad
Offers Print
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What are the different types of print advertising?

Below we list some types of print advertising that are popular today:

Newspaper Ads: These can vary in size, from small quarter-page ads to full pages or even two-page spreads. They can be placed locally in daily or weekly newspapers and even nationally in major publications.

Magazine Ads: Like newspaper ads, these can vary in size and design. Magazines often target audiences with specific interests, providing advertisers a chance to target their marketing towards a niche group.

Flyers and Brochures: Typically single or double-sided, these promote a specific product, service, or event. They can be handed out in person, mailed, or placed in strategic locations.

Posters: Larger in size, they're designed to catch the eye in public spaces like bus stops, train stations, or inside stores.

Direct Mail: Personal and direct, this can be letters, postcards, or brochures mailed directly to potential customers' homes.

Inserts: These are special features often accompanying newspapers or magazines. Inserts might be whole mini-magazines, product catalogs, or special promotions targeting the marketing of a specific brand, event, or offer. As they are physically separate from the main publication, inserts often feel more exclusive or valuable to the reader.

Is print advertising cheaper than digital marketing?

Looking at the costs of print advertising against digital marketing, it's evident that print often has a higher upfront cost. This accounts for design, printing, and distribution fees. But that's not the whole story. Despite the initial costs, a strategically placed print ad, be it in a newspaper or a brochure, can have lasting effects, gaining attention over a longer span compared to digital ads which might have limited longevity.

Digital marketing stands for easy audience targeting with unparalleled real-time analysis and campaign measurement. However, print advertising offers greater credibility for your brand, and consumers generally trust print media more, translating to greater brand loyalty.

In summary, the actual cost varies based on a company's needs. While digital marketing might deliver faster and more measurable outcomes, print advertising can foster deeper connections with the end consumer. The best strategy? Perhaps a blend of both.

How can print advertising complement my digital marketing strategies?

In an era where digital marketing garners all the spotlight, there are grand opportunities to differentiate yourself by blending your digital marketing with traditional print advertising. By melding the two mediums, you can amplify your reach and campaign impact. Here are some smart ways print advertising can complement your digital approach:

Enhanced Credibility: Many consumers still view print media as more trustworthy than online sources. By being present in both mediums, your brand may appear more genuine and reliable.

Target Audience Focus: While digital ads often target broadly, print advertising can help you hone in on a more specific audience. Through local newspapers, you can target residents of a certain city or town, and magazine advertising allows you to target specific groups interested in various niches.

Lasting Exposure: Digital ads are time limited, but a printed ad in a newspaper or magazine can remain visible for days, weeks, or even months, providing multiple exposure opportunities.

Synergy: Use QR codes in your print ads to direct traffic to your website, social media, or digital offers, seamlessly bridging the gap between physical and digital marketing.

Differentiation: While competitors might be focusing solely on digital marketing, a well-placed print ad can help your brand stand out and reach those less digitally engaged.

In the end, it's about creating a diversified marketing strategy. By combining the strengths of both print and digital marketing, you can uphold a more resilient, adaptable, and successful campaign.

What are the advantages of print advertising in a digital age?

Even though print advertising might seem outdated, there's still power in the physical presence of a printed ad. Print advertising can offer more precision in your marketing campaign than some other mediums. Different newspapers and magazines often cater to specific demographics and target audiences. By placing your ad in the right print medium, you connect directly with your target group.

Additionally, print provides lasting exposure. A digital ad can be swiped away with a click, but a print ad stays in the home, on the coffee table, where it can be viewed over and over for weeks on end.

Research shows that printed media often convey a sense of authority. When your brand is featured in print, it might elevate its perceived credibility in the reader's eyes. Thus, even in a digital age, print advertising remains a strong, credible, and effective marketing channel.

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