Out-of-Home advertising in Finland

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Companies that offer Out-of-Home advertising in Finland


7 brands found

Ocean Outdoor Finland

Advertising · Ocean Outdoor on ulkomainontaan erikoistunut yritys. Sekä digitaalisilla että staattisilla näytöillä eri paikoissa tavoitat suuren joukon ih...
Active in Finland
Offers Out-of-home


Advertising · Mediateko on suomalainen media yritys, joka tarjoaa mainontaa digitaalisten näyttöjen kautta....
Active in Finland
Offers Out-of-home

JCDecaux Finland

Advertising · JCDecaux yksi maailman suurimmista ulkomainontaa tarjoavista mediayrityksistä. Tarjoaa sekä kansallisia että alueellisia ratkaisuja....
Active in Finland
Offers Out-of-home

Clear Channel Finland

Advertising · Clear Channel on globaali ulkomainontayritys, joka luo tehokasta markkinointia. Mainosta ulkona, alueellisesti tai kansallisesti ja jopa len...
Active in Finland
Offers Out-of-home
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Krook Media Oy

Advertising · Mediakeskustelu on keskittynyt voimakkaasti kontaktimäärien ja klikkien ympärille. Henkilökohtaisuus ja oikea asiakasymmärrys tuppaavat jääm...
Active in Finland
Offers Out-of-home
Reaches 50% women, 50% men, 25-34 years


Advertising · Digitaaliset ulkomainospaikat Joensuun parhaalla paikalla takaavat näkyvyytesi. Näkyvyydestäsi vastaa Joensuun laajin digitaalisten ulkomain...
Active in Joensuu
Offers Out-of-home
Reaches 50% women, 50% men, 25-34 years


News · Vuonna 1874 perustettu Karjalainen on Suomen kolmanneksi vanhin suomenkielinen sanomalehti. Karjalaisen painettua lehteä ja digitaalista näk...
Active in North Karelia
Offers Out-of-home
Reaches 50% women, 50% men, 45-65 years

What is Out-of-home advertising?

OOH advertising, also known as outdoor advertising, encompasses all forms of advertising that reach consumers when they are outside their homes. This can include advertising on billboards, screens, bus stops, subway stations, airports, shopping centers, and other public places.

What are the benefits of Out-of-home advertising?

The benefits of OOH advertising include the ability to reach a wide range of people, the opportunity to create creative and stylish ads on a large surface, as well as the ability to reach people in specific geographical areas. In addition, OOH ads are visible around the clock, which increases their exposure.

How much does Out-of-home advertising cost?

The cost of OOH advertising varies depending on several factors, such as the size of the ad, location, and the duration of the campaign. Generally, OOH advertising is more expensive than digital and print advertising, but the cost per exposure can be lower.

How do you measure the effectiveness of an Out-of-home campaign?

The effectiveness of an OOH campaign can be measured through a combination of methods, such as traffic counts, surveys, and analysis of sales data.

Can I choose in which geographical areas my Out-of-home ad should be displayed?

Yes, you can choose in which geographical areas your OOH ad should be displayed. This gives you the opportunity to target your advertising towards specific target groups and areas where your product or service is most relevant.

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