Newsletter advertising in Langeskov

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Best Newsletter advertising providers in Langeskov


187 brands found

Kjerteminde Avis

Advertising · Kjarteminde Avis deler seneste nyt for de lokale i Munkebo og Langeskov og byder på flere muligheder for annoncører....
Active in Kerteminde
Offers Newsletters


National News · Jyllands-Posten er Danmarks førende leverandør af kvalitetsjournalistik; både digitalt og på print. I avisen finder du hver dag vores stærke...
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters
Reaches 55% men, 45% women, 45-65 years


International News · Politiken is about what matters - both in the world and for the individual. We are the newspaper with the most important news, the sharpest ...
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters
Reaches 55% women, 45% men, 40-59 years

GAFFA Danmark

Music · GAFFA blev etableret i 1983 og er både det største musikmedie i Norden. Aktiviteter drives med et lokalt udgangspunkt i Danmark, Sverige og ...
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters
Reaches 54% men, 46% women, 18-39 years
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Golf · The Danish Golf Union works purposefully to spread the sport of golf in Denmark and right now we are the fourth largest specialist associati...
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters
Reaches 65% men, 35% women, 50-59 years

Magasinet Liv – Nyhedsbrev og Website

Women's Health · LIV har siden 2010 været livsstilsmagasinet til kvinder 40+. Det er troværdigt og ærligt skrevet til danske kvinder om livsstil skønhed, sun...
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters

Costume – Nyhedsbrev og Website

Style & Fashion · COSTUME er et modemagasin, der siden 2002 har inspireret danske kvinder indenfor udvalgte emner med personlige holdninger og velskrevne ord....
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters


National News · er en af Danmarks førende online platforme inden for fagblade, med cirka 400.000 månedlige visninger, og i 2023 havde vi saml...
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters
Reaches 62% women, 38% men, 13-65 years

Woman – Nyhedsbrev og Website

Style & Fashion · WOMAN er læsernes bedste veninde på nettet, og udkommer dagligt med artikler, noter, tips og guides om alt, hvad der rører sig i den yngre k...
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters

I FORM – Nyhedsbrev og Website

Fitness & Exercise · I FORM har siden 1987 været et sundhedsmagasin, målrettet dem, der gerne vil være sundere, stærkere og gladere.
I FORM indeholder både motiv...
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters

MCTC - Landsforeningen for motorcyklister

Motorcycles · MCTC har eksisteret siden 1966 og er hele Danmarks motorcykelfællesskab. MCTC udgiver otte magasiner årligt, hvor læserne kan gå opdagelse i...
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters

Magasinet Fjernvarmen og Nyhedsbreve

Energy & Raw Materials · Magasinet Fjernvarmen og Dansk Fjernvarmes tre nyhedsbreve bliver læst af bestyrelsesmedlemmer, ledere og andre medarbejdere hos Dansk Fjern...
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters


Arts · ISCENE bringer dig tættere på scenekunsten. Uanset hvor du bor i landet og om du er til komik, musicals, performance eller klassisk teater. ...
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters

Hus og Have Avisen

Home & Garden · Medieinformation 2024
Hus og Have Avisen udkommer i tabloid format til mere end 700.000 villa og rækkehuse 7 - 8 gange om året. På www.husog...
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters

Magasinet DANSKVAND og Nyhedsbrevet DANVA Nyt

Energy & Raw Materials · DANSKVAND har i mere end 80 år været vandsektorens foretrukne kilde til troværdig, aktuel og relevant information, ny viden og dybdegående i...
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters

FSR - Danske Revisorer, Website og Nyhedsbrev

Finance · FSR – danske revisorer repræsenterer revisorbranchen i Danmark og har mere end 5.000 personlige medlemmer og 600 revisions- og rådgivningsvi...
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters og Nyhedsbrev

Construction · Magasinet Beton er som nyhedsbrev den digitale fortsættelse af det afviklede trykte Magasinet Beton. Udgiver er Samvirket for udgivelse af m...
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters

Danes Worldwide, Website og Nyhedsbrev

Graduate Education · Danes Worldwides nyhedsbrev – DANES UPDATE - er det eneste push-medie, der er specialiseret i internationale danskere. Med en åbningsrate på...
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters

Illustreret Videnskab – Nyhedsbrev og Website

Science · Illustreret Videnskab er det største magasin i Norden, der dækker videnskab, natur og teknologi. Vi sætter folk i stand til at blive opdagel...
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters

Komputer for Alle – Nyhedsbrev og Website

Computers · Komputer for alle er det eneste pc-magasin for brugere på alle niveauer.
Den redaktionelle linje dækker pc’er og internettet, tablets og sma...
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters
Loaded 20 of 187 results
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What is the cost of advertising in newsletters?

The cost of advertising in newsletters varies depending on factors such as the newsletter's reach, audience, and the publisher's brand. The price tag for advertising in a newsletter issue for a medium-sized media starts around 500 USD and can extend over about 3000 USD per dispatch.

There's also an option to purchase newsletter dispatches in packages, which can be more cost-effective. The price can also be affected by the ad's format and size as well as its position in the newsletter.

We recommend contacting the publisher directly to get an idea of the cost of advertising in their newsletters. You can also request a quote via to gather quotes from multiple operators and thereby review which price and package suit best. You can also browse and compare among our operators here.

By comparing different options, you can find the most cost-effective way to reach your target audience by advertising in newsletters.

How do I find a list for newsletter dispatches?

You can start by searching on various websites belonging to companies or organizations within the desired industry. Many websites offering advertising also have newsletters as part of their ad strategy. You can often find their ad channels via their media kit. If the information isn't directly available on the website, you can always reach out to the website.

However, the quickest and most effective way to find a list for newsletter dispatches is to use platforms like, where you can find a compilation of different operators offering newsletters as an advertising channel. On Ocast, you can easily compare different newsletters based on their reach, audience, and cost. Request a quote via Ocast to get a better understanding of the costs and compare different options against each other.

What different formats are there in a newsletter?

The different formats available in newsletters can be tailored for each campaign. Among the different formats we find:

Banner ads: Often a banner is placed at the top or bottom of the newsletter. They are excellent for quickly capturing attention and leading clicks to your website.

Embedded ads: These ads can be text-based or contain images and offers that look like a natural part of the newsletter.

Sponsored posts: This format resembles embedded ads but is often longer and can include an entire article that is purchased. Sponsored posts are great for building knowledge about your brand to a specific audience.

Product placements: Here, specific products or services can be placed in a section of the newsletter, often with an image and a short description or an offer.

You can also choose to include exclusive offers or discount codes, any video ads, or smartly placed CTA (Call to Action) buttons in newsletters to convert, drive clicks, and encourage readers to act on your content.

Why should one choose newsletter advertising in their marketing?

Through marketing via newsletters, you have the opportunity to reach potential, or current customers directly via their email inbox. The strength of this strategy lies in the ability to reach extremely specific demographics or interest groups, where each newsletter acts as a bridge between the brand and a well-defined target audience.

Therefore, newsletters often also have higher engagement and click-through rates, which in turn leads to the easy predictability of the measurability and outcome of a campaign and therefore you can also calculate ROI (return on investment) even before starting a dispatch.

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