Magazine advertising in Malmö

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Best Magazine advertising providers in Malmö


273 brands found

Husbil & Husvagn

Automotive · Husbil & Husvagn fortsätter sin resa och når allt fler via olika kanaler. Vi tar betalt för vår tidning och läsarna är villiga att betala fö...
Active in Sweden
Offers Magazines
Reaches 54% men, 46% women, 40-65 years

Härliga Hund

Dogs · Härliga Hund finns som magasin och på webben, där du kan ta del av allt du behöver veta om livet med hund. ...
Active in Sweden
Offers Magazines


Hardware · Våra läsare skapar med hjälp av datorn – inom alla olika delar av IT-branschen – som utvecklare, tekniker och designers. De befinner sig i u...
Active in Sweden
Offers Magazines
Reaches 84% men, 16% women, 20-60 years


Automotive · Den stormade in i svenskarnas liv 1952. Snabbt blev den 15-åringens favorit – mopeden. Man ljög om toppfart. Körde i klungor. Trimmade 
Det ...
Active in Sweden
Offers Magazines
Reaches 85% men, 15% women, 35-60 years
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Golf · Golfbladet har sedan starten 2005 varit en uppskattad och populär tidning bland landets golfare....
Active in Sweden
Offers Magazines


Construction · Med leveranstidningen Entreprenad når du din målgrupp inom entreprenadbranschen....
Active in Sweden
Offers Magazines


Health · Annonsera i Vårdfokus för att nå målgrupper som arbetar inom hälsa och sjukvård. Vårdfokus når ut till 127 000 läsare. ...
Active in Sweden
Offers Magazines

Medicinska Tidskrifter

Advertising · SverigeOnkologisk Tidskrift - Nyhetsbrev och sajt för onkologer och hematologerhttps://onkologisktidskrift.seNeurologisk Tidskrift  Nyhetsbr...
Active in Sweden
Offers Magazines
Reaches 50% women, 50% men, 45-54 years

Allt om Gården

Agriculture · Vänder sig till lantbrukare och skogsägare i hela landet och innehåller reportage, nyheter, tester och statistik från branschen....
Active in Sweden
Offers Magazines

TR Media

Sports · Välkommen till Sveriges ledande mediehus med fokus på svensk travsport. Oavsett om du vill nå travintresserade och branschen i stort eller d...
Active in Sweden
Offers Magazines
Reaches 64% men, 36% women, 35-65 years


Religion & Spirituality · Dagen är sedan starten 1945 Sveriges största politiskt oberoende dagstidning på kristen grund. Vi når 55 000 läsare i print och 60 000 unika...
Active in Sweden
Offers Magazines
Reaches 53% women, 47% men, 51 years


Marketplaces · Annonsera med Däckavisen – Effektiv marknadsföring för däck- och fälgbranschenAnnonsera i en däcktidning som alltid levererar de senaste och...
Active in Sweden
Offers Magazines
Reaches 100% men, 0% women, 45-54 years

Tidningen Bioenergi

Bioenergi är Nordens ledande media inom bioenergiområdet. I våra kanaler kan du snabbt hitta ...
Active in Sweden
Offers Magazines
Reaches 50% women, 50% men, 18-65 years


Cell Phones & Devices · Mobil är Sveriges ledande tidning och sajt inom området mobil kommunikation, riktad till de som skall köpa nya mobila prylar eller tjänster....
Active in Sweden
Offers Magazines
Reaches 85% men, 15% women, 25-54 years


Agriculture · Föreningen Skogen hjälper dig att nå skogssektorn. Från yrkesfolket till enskilda skogsägare. Med oss får du en bred palett av valmöjlighete...
Active in Sweden
Offers Magazines
Reaches 80% men, 20% women, 20-65 years


Active in Sweden
Offers Magazines


Entertainment · GALA Magasin är en livsstilssajt med nisch inom nöje och kungligheter. Annonsera antingen via webben eller magasinet. ...
Active in Sweden
Offers Magazines

Sveriges HR Förening

Advertising · Sveriges HR Förening - ett community för de som brinner för HR/People-frågor. Sveriges HR Förening står bakom bl.a. HR People (Sveriges vass...
Active in Sweden
Offers Magazines
Reaches 50% women, 50% men, 35-44 years


Business · Med tidningen Omtanke och hemsidan når du beslutsfattare inom vård-och omsorgsbranschen. ...
Active in Sweden
Offers Magazines

Active in Sweden
Offers Magazines
Reaches 50% women, 50% men, 35-44 years
Loaded 20 of 273 results
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What are the benefits of advertising in magazines?

Magazine advertising can be a great strategy for directly reaching your target audience, especially if your business wants to engage with customers interested and involved in niche categories.

Magazines often reach the reader in a calm and relaxing moment without competition from other media, giving you as an advertiser a unique chance to be seen and remembered.

Additionally, readers find that magazines offer high credibility and also stay in homes and public places for a longer time, which means your ad has a better chance of being seen repeatedly.

What is the difference between advertising in magazines and newspapers?

Advertising in magazines and newspapers offers unique values in different ways, where the difference lies in the details. Magazines, with their high-quality printing and fewer publication dates, give advertisers the opportunity to plan and tailor their ads well in advance so that the content blends together with the magazine's theme and content.

This, together with the longer exposure time, can give magazine ads a greater impact. On the other hand, newspapers offer a more cost-effective solution, despite their faster publication frequency and consequently shorter lifespan for ads.

The broad and varied content in newspapers can, however, make it more difficult to adapt and integrate ads in the same natural way as in magazines. Therefore, the choice between advertising in magazines or newspapers depends on the specific needs, budget, and target audience of the company.

How well can I reach my specific target audience by advertising in magazines?

Magazines are often focused on specific niches or interests, making it easier to reach a well-defined target audience. By choosing a magazine that directly corresponds with your product or service's target audience, you can ensure that your ad is seen by people who are most interested in what you have to offer. You can also place your ad in a relevant context in the magazine, which enhances the message and increases the likelihood of a positive response from the reader.

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