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Ocast is the largest marketplace for magazine advertising. Fill in the form and start receiving tailored offers for your campaign at the best price.
Through IndustryRadar the advertisers will reach a very strong target group within your desired industry. Our readers are developers, CEO’s, property owners, purchasing officers, architects, project m...
Mediakeskustelu on keskittynyt voimakkaasti kontaktimäärien ja klikkien ympärille. Henkilökohtaisuus ja oikea asiakasymmärrys tuppaavat jäämään taka-alalle. Me keskitymme aktivoimaan brändien tarinoit...
Otavamedia tarjoaa ammattimaista mainontaa useiden tehokkaiden kanavien kautta....
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Gloria on suomalainen aikakauslehti, jonka sisältö on suunnattu naisille. Lue kaikesta sensaatiomuoti- ja elämäntapavinkeistä. Kustantaja myös Gloria Koti & Gloria ruoka & viini -lehtiä....
Lue lehdessä ja inspiroidu pitkälle ja terveelle elämälle Hyvä Terveys....
Fit on terveyttä ja liikuntaa käsittelevä lehti, jonka tavoitteena on innostaa ja motivoida lukijoita saavuttamaan tavoitteensa....
Kauppalehti Optio deals with business and financial events, and focuses on the development of organizations and well-being at work. The magazine also serves sensory pleasures e.g. in fashion, food, wi...
Kauppalehti Fakta offers tools for supervisory work and self-management Kauppalehti Fakta is a magazine for a better working life. As a special magazine for management and working life, it offers inte...
Konepörssi is Finlands leading media in the construction machinery and transport industry. With high-quality and expert content, Konepörssi keeps its readers up-to-date on whats new in the industry an...
Koti ja keittiö esittelee lukijoilleen kauniita suomalaisia koteja ja innostaa heitä sisustukseen....
Hifimaailma on lehti, joka auttaa sinua tekemään tuotearvosteluja kotiteatteriisi....
SLP Kustannus on osa Hilla Group ja keskittyy sanomalehtien kustantamiseen ja voi auttaa myös painatuksessa ja jakelussa....
Magazine advertising can be a great strategy for directly reaching your target audience, especially if your business wants to engage with customers interested and involved in niche categories.
Magazines often reach the reader in a calm and relaxing moment without competition from other media, giving you as an advertiser a unique chance to be seen and remembered.
Additionally, readers find that magazines offer high credibility and also stay in homes and public places for a longer time, which means your ad has a better chance of being seen repeatedly.
Advertising in magazines and newspapers offers unique values in different ways, where the difference lies in the details. Magazines, with their high-quality printing and fewer publication dates, give advertisers the opportunity to plan and tailor their ads well in advance so that the content blends together with the magazine's theme and content.
This, together with the longer exposure time, can give magazine ads a greater impact. On the other hand, newspapers offer a more cost-effective solution, despite their faster publication frequency and consequently shorter lifespan for ads.
The broad and varied content in newspapers can, however, make it more difficult to adapt and integrate ads in the same natural way as in magazines. Therefore, the choice between advertising in magazines or newspapers depends on the specific needs, budget, and target audience of the company.
Magazines are often focused on specific niches or interests, making it easier to reach a well-defined target audience. By choosing a magazine that directly corresponds with your product or service's target audience, you can ensure that your ad is seen by people who are most interested in what you have to offer. You can also place your ad in a relevant context in the magazine, which enhances the message and increases the likelihood of a positive response from the reader.
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