
Insert advertising in Savonlinna

Explore our list of leading brands offering insert advertising. Search, compare and choose the best solution for your company.

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What is an insert in the context of advertising?

An insert is a separate printed or physical material that accompanies a main publication, such as a newspaper or magazine. It can be in the form of a product catalog, a trial-sized product, or offers and coupons. Inserts are created to highlight specific campaigns, events, or product news.

Why should one consider advertising via inserts?

Inserts stand out from regular advertisements, making them more memorable. Additionally, they serve as a bridge between digital and physical media: when customers see an insert, 30% go online to further explore the brand. This combination of reach and engagement makes insert advertising effective.

You can also be highly creative with inserts compared to other products. Many brands engage senses other than sight, such as smell, taste, and touch. Examples of such inserts include mini samples where one might test a new perfume, taste, or hand cream. By thinking outside the box, you can reach potential customers in a completely different way through inserts.

What is the cost to advertise with an insert?

The cost to advertise with an insert can vary depending on several factors such as size, design, print quality, product, and distribution scope. It's best to contact the specific publication for an estimate based on your specific needs. You can browse hundreds of media offering insert advertising on Ocast.

Which type of company should invest in advertising via inserts?

Inserts can be particularly effective for certain types of businesses, such as retail or event-driven businesses. The key lies in creating relevant content and choosing the right publication for distribution to best reach your target audience.

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