Event advertising in Denmark

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Companies that offer Event advertising in Denmark


36 brands found

GAFFA Danmark

Music · GAFFA blev etableret i 1983 og er både det største musikmedie i Norden. Aktiviteter drives med et lokalt udgangspunkt i Danmark, Sverige og ...
Active in Denmark
Offers Events
Reaches 54% men, 46% women, 18-39 years


Style & Fashion · ELLE gives you everything about the leading designers of the time, photo reports by some of Scandinavia's most talented fashion photographer...
Active in Denmark
Offers Events
Reaches 81% women, 19% men, 13-65 years

GO Beauty

Beauty · GO Beauty er Danmarks største skønheds- og livstilsmagasin, onlineunivser og bookingportal. Det er en platform, hvor du kan lære mere om skø...
Active in Denmark
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Computerworld Danmark

Advertising · Computerworld er Danmarks største medie for IT og rapporterer dagligt om branchenyheder....
Active in Denmark
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Marketplaces · Den oplagte hjemmeside for information om Lagersalg....
Active in Denmark
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Frie Skoler Lærerforening

Education · Frie Skoler Lærerforening (FSL) er en dansk fagforening, der repræsenterer lærere, der arbejder i private friskoler kendt som "friskoler" el...
Active in Denmark
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Advertising · Med en historie, der går 100 år tilbage indenfor maritime medier, har MARITIME MEDIER den erfaring og de medier, der skal til for at synli...
Active in Denmark
Offers Events


Education · Højskolebladet er et redaktionelt uafhængigt blad, der beskæftiger sig med højskolen og dens omgivelser.Højskolebladet er højskolen i tekst ...
Active in Denmark
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Style & Fashion · Aniston.dk er et såkaldt "blogazine" - et livsstilsmagasin og en blog i ét.Det er hverken en madblog, en modeblog, en skønhedsblog eller en ...
Active in Denmark
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Automotive · Motorsektionen.dk er et dansk onlinemagasin, der fokuserer på bilindustrien, herunder biler, motorcykler og andre former for transport. Maga...
Active in Denmark
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Maritime Danmark

Advertising · Maritime Danmark er danskernes foretrukne maritime medieFagmediet har gennem mange år opbygget en bred og international medieplatform, med e...
Active in Denmark
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Dansk Aktionærforening

Investing · Vi er de private investorers interesseorganisation. Vores målgruppe består af investorer med vidt forskellige tidshorisonter og investerings...
Active in Denmark
Offers Events
Reaches 68% men, 32% women, 25-65 years


Financial News · Estate media giver dig de seneste nyheder fra ejendomsbranchen....
Active in Denmark
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Sports · Som annoncør på Triatlon får du adgang til personer med interesse for og om triatlonsporten, og med mere end 10.000 sidevisninger hver måned...
Active in Denmark
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Byens Boligforeninger

Real Estate · Ræk ud til boligbranchens beslutningstagere, med Byens Boligforeninger. En del af Odsgard. ...
Active in Denmark
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Tipsbladet DK

Sports · Tipsbladet er et ugentligt dansk sportsmagasin med fokus på fodbold. Det er det ældste fodboldmagasin i Skandinavien og har hovedkontor i Kø...
Active in Denmark
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Advertising · Med Installator.dk rammer du dem der træffer de afgørende beslutninger inden for de tekniske installationsområder.Installator.dk’s medieuniv...
Active in Denmark
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News · Daily news and monthly magazine in print and online, where you will find a review of accounts, new ships, profiles of companies, portraits o...
Active in Denmark
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Dansk Boldspil-Union

Sports · Dansk Boldspil-Union er det styrende organ for fodbold i Danmark. Det er organisationen af danske fodboldklubber og driver de professionelle...
Active in Denmark
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Motorcycles · MCTC udgiver MCTC-magasinet (tidligere Touring Nyt), som udkommer otte gange om året. MCTC magasinet er målt i antal sider og distribueret o...
Active in Denmark
Offers Events

What is event marketing?

Event marketing is a way for companies or brands to organize, or sponsor an event to highlight their products or services, build relationships with customers, and primarily increase brand awareness around their company.

How can I find an event to sponsor?

To find an event to sponsor, start by identifying your target audience and the types of events they are interested in. Then you can search online. On Ocast, you can connect with companies and brands that offer events to find sponsorship opportunities. It's also important to evaluate if the event is a good match with your brand and the possible benefits before committing to sponsorship.

What different types of events can be sponsored?

Here are some event types often used for marketing purposes:

Networking events: Good for building relationships and sharing experiences within a specific industry.

Product launches: Effective for introducing a new product or service to the market.

Trade shows and exhibitions: Enable interaction with a broad audience and other industry actors.

Workshops and seminars: Offer education and knowledge sharing, and position your brand as a leader in the field.

Customer appreciation events: Good for building long-term relationships and thanking customers for their loyalty.

Charity events: Strengthen the brand's image and give back to the community.

Online webinars and virtual events: Provide a convenient and cost-effective platform to reach a global audience.

The choice of event type should be based on your marketing goals, your target audience, and the resources you have available.

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