Særskilte (ikke ledelsesansvar)
2 x indrykninger i Politiken. Søndag og onsdag i 1. sektion eller 2 x søndag i 1. sektion
30 dage online med joblink på politiken.dk
30 dage online med joblink på Politikens mobilsite
Online jobannonce på politiken.dk/job
Effektgaranti: Har du ikke fundet den rette kandidat ved ansøgningsfristen, indrykker vi stillingsopslaget igen UB indenfor en måned af ansøgningsfristen.
Formats and prices
Ad specifications
1 column 41 mm
2 columns 86 mm
3 columns 131 mm
4 columns 176 mm
5 columns 221 mm
6 columns 266 mm
7 columns 311 mm
8 columns 356 mm
Tabloid format 266 x 365 mm
Tabloid spread 546x365 mm
Broadsheet 356 x 520 mm
Bread spread 748x520 mm
See our guidelines for advertisers and personal data here
Finished material is sent to: adops@jppol.dk - state customer and campaign name in the email. The material must be delivered no later than 3 working days before the start of the campaign.
Delivered according to industry standards via sent upload link, medienet.net or to materialer@pol.dk.
SpecificationsOptimal reproduction in the newspaper is not guaranteed for advertising materials that are not produced according to the press standard.
Other material receipt:
Material in pdf format, can be sent by e-mail. Contact your usual consultant or Production Service.
To production:
Manuscripts in Word document or directly in the e-mail. Images as jpg, tiff or eps files, 100% / 200 dpi. Logos and illustrations such as jpg, tiff or eps files in a resolution of 600 dpi. In addition, we can receive vectorized (non-rasterized) illustrator / eps files, cmyk-separated.
Printing technology:
Offset rotation / Newspaper rotation.
It is recommended that writing in less than 8 points is not used. in positive and 10 point. and negative. Furthermore, only grotesque writing in a negative or colored background should be used.
40 lines
The colors should be cmyk-separated, not RGB. Prepared as 80% achromatic separation with a maximum pressure percentage of 220%. Note that spot colors must also be cmyk-separated according to the DP / E definitions.
See our privacy policy here
For advertising in Politiken, these terms and conditions apply:
Furthermore, the terms of the "Agreement on Advertising Terms" and "Standards for Advertising" apply to magazines affiliated with Danske Medier entered into between Danske Medier and Kreativitet og Kommunikation. To the extent that there is a discrepancy between these terms and the agreement (s) entered into between Danske Medier and Kreativitet & Kommunikation, these General Advertising Terms apply. The magazine does not assume responsibility for errors in advertisements that are inserted in accordance with the customer's instructions. Nor for material received from other magazines as well as material that does not conform to industry standards.
If the magazine is responsible for errors in an advertisement, the magazine provides a reduction that can not exceed the price of the advertisement and only for inclusion in its own publications. The magazine is not responsible for office errors. Claims for compensation can not be made against the magazine for erroneous, delayed or non-insertion of the ordered ads or possibly. resulting from such errors. If an ordered placement can not be complied with, the ad is placed as best as possible and calculated according to the ordered or obtained placement, whichever is cheapest. The policy does not undertake to insert a given advertisement / campaign, even if the order has been received and / or confirmed. The advertiser guarantees to Politiken that advertisements placed in Politiken on both print and digital do not contravene applicable law. The advertiser further warrants that links in an advertisement do not refer to websites that contain information that is unlawful under the rules of the Marketing Act or other applicable laws. The policy takes reservations to reject polemical ads. Any claim that Politiken may be met with on the basis of advertising will be raised against the advertiser, so that Politiken is kept indemnified.
Payment terms
Ads are charged at the price applicable on the day of indentation. In other respects, reference is made to “Standards for advertising in magazines affiliated with DDF and NERI”. The policy issues an invoice for advertising from the first day of indentation. Timely payment is 14 days from invoice date. In the event of late payment, a reminder fee of DKK 100 will be issued. If the amount is not paid after the second reminder has been sent, the receivable will be sent for collection. The magazine reserves the right to demand advance payment from direct advertisers.
Complaints about printing errors and the like must be received by the magazine no later than 3 days after the advertisement is inserted / the campaign period, while complaints about bills must be submitted no later than 8 days after receipt of the bill.
Unless otherwise agreed ;Print: Information subsidy of 1% and security of 1% are granted in accordance with current rules for media agencies.
Digital: Information subsidy of 1%, security of 2% and technical handling of 4% are provided to media agencies.
Editorial content
Ads must not be confused with editorial material. Thus, neither text, photos nor drawings that have been used editorially may be used in advertisements without special agreement in each individual case. Words like "Breaking", "Live" and the like must not be used. Short excerpts from reviews can be used.
Parliamentary elections
The policy reserves the right to move allocated seats to the best possible position and to change the induction date in connection with parliamentary elections (in collaboration with the customer). As soon as the election day is known, these corrections will be made. These changes are not compensated for.
Ad code
Indented advertisements must not contravene applicable law or the International Code of Advertising. The responsibility for this lies with the advertiser, not the magazine. In addition, Politiken reserves the right to reject advertisements that the magazine does not wish to include. An advertiser will not be able to resell or republish ad space to other advertisers. The policy will reject advertisements that are to be inserted in violation of this prohibition or after another transfer.
Terms and Conditions for advertisers at JP / Politikens Hus
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