- Possible to place sponsored content
- Clear "tag" that the content is sponsored
Material is provided by the advertiser
- half page (208x137 mm + 5 mm)
- full page (208x278 mm + 5 mm)
- spread (416x278 mm + 5 mm)
Technical specifications
All advertising materials can be delivered as PDF.
Price on request.
DGU reserves the right to adapt and correct in order to be able to insert advertorial in the magazine, just as placement in the magazine is chosen by DGU.
Formats and prices
Ad specifications
The magazine Dansk Golf is owned and operated by DGUE A/S.
Terms and Conditions
... for advertisements and insertions in the magazine Dansk Golf.
New PDF file must be uploaded in case of correction to previously submitted ad material. DGUE A/S takes no responsibility for corrections given by phone. Claims DGUE A/S holds no responsibility for minor deviations of colours. DGUE A/S reserves the right to reject a claim if the client/agency has received a warning that the material does not meet the required technical specifications when the material was uploaded.
Price reduction is only an option, in case DGUE A/S can be held responsible for the error. DGUE A/S takes no responsibility for errors in ads if the material is not uploaded in due time. If the advertiser (or agency) is not responsible for the error, a reduction will be granted according to the reduction in the value of the advertisement (estimated by DGUE A/S). A price reduction can never exceed the insertion price. Complaints must be submitted within 14 business days after the release date.
Terms of Payment
All rates are in DKK. Payment terms: 14 days All advertisements are invoiced according to the rate effective on the publishing date. Invoice complaints must be submitted no later than 14 business days after the invoice Date.
VAT (Value-Added Tax)
For agencies and advertisers in EU countries (Except Danish companies) DGUE A/S will not charge Danish VAT on payment for insertion or advertisements, if the invoice is issued to an agency or advertiser in another EU country.
For agencies and advertiser in non-EU countries According to the Danish legislation DGUE A/S will charge Danish VAT on payment for insertion of advertisements, if the invoice is issued to an agency or advertiser in a non-EU country.
Cancelation of an order must be delivered to DGUE A/S at least seven (7) weeks before the release date of a magazine. Cancellations must be made in writing. In case of later cancellation, the advertiser will be charged a fee up to 75 %. It is not possible to cancel an order after material deadline (3 weeks before release date of the magazine) – in this case the order will be billed at full price. DGUE A/S reserves the right
- to refuse to accept an advertisement, even if it has been accepted or inserted previously.
- to provide an ad with the term "ADVERTORIAL” (advertisement), if the ad according to DGUE A/S can be confused with editorial content.
The advertiser and/or the agency is responsible for ensuring that the advertising material and the content comply with current laws and regulations in Denmark.
Force Majeur
For as long as a force majeure situation prevents either Party from fulfilling its obligations (except for payment), the other Party has the right to withhold its corresponding performance, but otherwise has no claim against the Party. Force majeure is defined as strike, lockout or other industrial dispute, referendums (including the consequences of a referendum), governmental or regulatory actions/decisions or any other cause that is beyond the reasonable control of the Parties. The force majeure clause may only be invoked by a Party by notifying the other Party in writing and without undue delay of the cause, the anticipated scope and the expected duration of the incapacity to perform its obligations. Upon cessation or modification of force majeure, the Party affected must notify the other Party of this in writing and without undue delay. The Parties must wherever possible help to prevent and limit the adverse effects of a force majeure situation for the performance of obligations. The precluded Party must resume its performance under the contract without delay after the cessation of the situation. If a force majeure situation forces an obligation to be postponed, suspended or discontinued, this has the same effect on the other Party’s corresponding performance.
Legal issues and applicable law
Any legal issues or claims from advertiser/agency are to be dealt with by and resolved by Danish laws and by Danish court. The order and contract are hereby subject to Danish law.
The magazine Dansk Golf is owned and operated by DGUE A/S.
Terms and Conditions
... for advertisements and insertions in the magazine Dansk Golf.
New PDF file must be uploaded in case of correction to previously submitted ad material. DGUE A/S takes no responsibility for corrections given by phone. Claims DGUE A/S holds no responsibility for minor deviations of colours. DGUE A/S reserves the right to reject a claim if the client/agency has received a warning that the material does not meet the required technical specifications when the material was uploaded.
Price reduction is only an option, in case DGUE A/S can be held responsible for the error. DGUE A/S takes no responsibility for errors in ads if the material is not uploaded in due time. If the advertiser (or agency) is not responsible for the error, a reduction will be granted according to the reduction in the value of the advertisement (estimated by DGUE A/S). A price reduction can never exceed the insertion price. Complaints must be submitted within 14 business days after the release date.
Terms of Payment
All rates are in DKK. Payment terms: 14 days All advertisements are invoiced according to the rate effective on the publishing date. Invoice complaints must be submitted no later than 14 business days after the invoice Date.
VAT (Value-Added Tax)
For agencies and advertisers in EU countries (Except Danish companies) DGUE A/S will not charge Danish VAT on payment for insertion or advertisements, if the invoice is issued to an agency or advertiser in another EU country.
For agencies and advertiser in non-EU countries According to the Danish legislation DGUE A/S will charge Danish VAT on payment for insertion of advertisements, if the invoice is issued to an agency or advertiser in a non-EU country.
Cancelation of an order must be delivered to DGUE A/S at least seven (7) weeks before the release date of a magazine. Cancellations must be made in writing. In case of later cancellation, the advertiser will be charged a fee up to 75 %. It is not possible to cancel an order after material deadline (3 weeks before release date of the magazine) – in this case the order will be billed at full price. DGUE A/S reserves the right
- to refuse to accept an advertisement, even if it has been accepted or inserted previously.
- to provide an ad with the term "ADVERTORIAL” (advertisement), if the ad according to DGUE A/S can be confused with editorial content.
The advertiser and/or the agency is responsible for ensuring that the advertising material and the content comply with current laws and regulations in Denmark.
Force Majeur
For as long as a force majeure situation prevents either Party from fulfilling its obligations (except for payment), the other Party has the right to withhold its corresponding performance, but otherwise has no claim against the Party. Force majeure is defined as strike, lockout or other industrial dispute, referendums (including the consequences of a referendum), governmental or regulatory actions/decisions or any other cause that is beyond the reasonable control of the Parties. The force majeure clause may only be invoked by a Party by notifying the other Party in writing and without undue delay of the cause, the anticipated scope and the expected duration of the incapacity to perform its obligations. Upon cessation or modification of force majeure, the Party affected must notify the other Party of this in writing and without undue delay. The Parties must wherever possible help to prevent and limit the adverse effects of a force majeure situation for the performance of obligations. The precluded Party must resume its performance under the contract without delay after the cessation of the situation. If a force majeure situation forces an obligation to be postponed, suspended or discontinued, this has the same effect on the other Party’s corresponding performance.
Legal issues and applicable law
Any legal issues or claims from advertiser/agency are to be dealt with by and resolved by Danish laws and by Danish court. The order and contract are hereby subject to Danish law.