2025 - April - Special topic: School
Tell us about your ideas and solutions for the Swedish school!
In connection with SKRs School National Assembly on May 5-6, it is once again time for Dagens Samhälles annual theme period about the Swedish school. We take a holistic approach to school issues from a management perspective and target the decision makers for school issues. From top political leadership in councils and committees, to school principals and other decision-makers within school administrations, as well as principals at primary and secondary schools.
This also means an opportunity for companies and organizations to show successful examples and talk about new solutions.
For municipalities, it also means an opportunity to showcase successful projects and talk about solutions that can inspire others. Which also strengthens the employer brand for future recruitments.
Our studio with experienced writers and creators helps you shape messages for our readers. So-called native campaigns. They create articles that are distributed on the site, in newsletters and social media.
There is also the possibility of publishing the articles in the printed newspaper that reaches readers on April 30.
Large extra distribution at SKRs School National Day
Dagens Samhälles subscribers consist of senior managers and politicians in public activities. In connection with the School Theme Period, we have the ambition to reach all decision-makers. The newspapers is on site at SKRs Skolriksdag May 5-6. In addition, we distribute the magazine directly to principals at both independent and municipal primary and secondary schools.
Native production with fingertip sensitivity and commitment
A writer with extensive experience in the public market creates the native article together with you. It should be a story that generates high engagement from Dagens Samhälles readers, which you can be proud of and use in other contexts in the future.
Get in touch and well tell you more!
Prices and Information
Publishing digitally
April 28-May 18
Print edition
April 30
Last day of booking
April 22
Phone: 08-34 03 05
Email: ds@informa.se
Feel free to contact one of our salespeople directly.