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Pets & Animals · About Pets4Homes
Since 2008, Pets4Homes has been the go-to-place for animal lovers in the UK. We are the largest marketplace in Europe for pets with >6 million unique monthly visitors and every day we rehome more than...

Animals and You

Pets & Animals
Animals and You is a magazine that is dedicated to animals, both pets and wild animals. It is a publication that is aimed at girls aged between 7-11 who have a love for animals. The magazine contains ...

Practical Pigs

Pets & Animals
Practical Pigs magazine provides smallholders with highly relevant content to help them get the best results from their pigs. Each issue, readers enjoy regular in-depth buying features and practical a...

Cage & Aviary Birds

Pets & Animals
Cage & Aviary Birds is written by bird experts for bird fanciers and is packed with news, advice and comment from the avicultural scene. An essential resource for members of bird clubs and societies.E...
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Pets & Animals
Alpaca is the magazine produced by the British Alpaca Society, to share knowledge and expertise on all aspects and issues relating to the welfare, breeding and development of these animals in the UK.A...

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