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Education is a review site for school in the UK. We have 58 000 schools from Pre-school to University. Please visit

Teach Early Years

Be they nursery practitioners or childminders, preschool managers or Reception class teachers, Teach Early Years has its readers covered. Our remit includes all aspects of the business of caring for a...

Teach Primary

Teach Primary is a large and vibrant staffroom filled with talented colleagues. Our readers are also our writers. They are experienced heads, senior leaders, academics, and consultants. The magazine i...

Teach Secondary

The world of education is fast-moving and high-pressured; everyone has an opinion, and no one can deny that what happens in schools is incredibly important, for students, communities and indeed, our n...
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Teachwire is the online home of our Teach titles, offering a daily mix of news, engaging commentary and useful resources for early years, primary and secondary educators....


SENCo provides KS1 and KS2 special educational needs co-ordinators with useful ideas, practical guidance and thoughtful insights relating to SEND provision in primary schools....

Teach Reading & Writing

Teach Reading & Writing is both a celebration of children᾿s books and authors and a treasure trove of ideas for how teachers can help students to make big improvements in their mastery of English.In e...

Technology & Innovation

Technology has so much to offer the world of education – the possibilities are endless and exciting; but how are teachers supposed to tell the latest fad from the next best thing for long-term, sustai...

Primary School Management

There are few jobs more challenging or wide ranging than running a primary school. It demands financial acumen, a deep understanding of learning and a light diplomatic touch. Primary School Management...

Nursery Business

Nursery Business aims to guide its readers through the considerable challenges of operating a successful setting or chain in an accessible and engaging manner. Combining invaluable advice on the most ...

Independent School Parent

With separate editions for prep and senior schools, Independent School Parent is the only magazine to address the issues that really matter to parents who have chosen to educate their children private...

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