Reach out to our members with your travel-related message.
Ad specifications
- Subject line for the sending.
- Preheader - shown under the subject line on some inboxes.
- One or more images in JPG, GIF or PNG. Max width 600px.
- One or more headlines and texts and if you want to you can add CTA-buttons.
- Link(s) to which the image(s) and CTA-button(s) should link.
An outline/sketch of the appearance of the mailing.
Make it clear who the sender is with a logotype in the top image, preferable placed in the top right corner.
The total weight of the mailing should not be exceeding 800 kb. Recommendation: max 4 images and max 200kb/image.
Keep a healthy balance between images and amount of text. Optimal would be 60-80% text and 40-20% image.
Terms and Conditions
The sender must be clearly stated. The message must not compete with Reseguiden´s business. Reseguiden reserves the right to approve the advertisement before publication.
Cancellations / changes: An ev. cancellation/change must be in writing and emailed to the current seller and In case of cancellation/change later than 10 days before the start date of the advertisement, we reserve the right to invoice the full price according to the agreement.
Delayed material: If we do not receive advertising material in accordance with the above, we reserve the right to invoice the full price in accordance with the agreement.
Please deliver:
* Subject line
* Image(s), headline(s), text(s) and link(s)
* A sketch of the desired layout
Your logo and company name must be included in the top image.
Respect the stated weights and dimensions, and deliver all material 7 days before sending date. All material is to be sent to the current seller.
We reserves us the right to approve the material before sending.
Reseguiden does not allow communication that is misleading, competitive or offensive. Nor an invitation to subscribe to a newsletter subscription or similar.