Mobil Mega Viewer
Responsivt annonsformat med loopande video.
Detta annonsformat produceras av Brand Studio (som är en del av Bonnier News) eller via vår samarbetspartner SeenThis.
Följande filer levereras till Brand Studio eller SeenThis.
Video Aspect ratio:9:16 (1080x1920px)
Maxvikt: 6-30MB
Rek. filmlängd 6-15 sekunder
Filformat: MP4
Färdigproducerat material konverteras till ett Third Party Script.
Formats and prices
Ad specifications
The material must be adapted to the advertising system Google Ad Manager (GAM) Bonnier News use out of. The clickTag variable should be used as a definition for the click-through URL in all the clickable areas in annonsen.Detta for us to measure clicks on it, and that it should be possible for AdOps to the request to change / add the destination url in efterhand.Vi then recommend the use of clickTag ie NOT to hard-code click-through URL GAM warns about the lack of proper clickTags or if there is a URL hardcoded in annonsen.clickTagen be easy for the ad server to read, use no minification or obfuscation. (However, there is no problem to use it on the rest of the material) The script for the clickTag variable must be in the head-taggen.Försäkra you that all surfaces to be clickable using the clickTag variable definition of click-through URL.
Examples where clickTag is implemented in HTML code:
-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
<meta name="ad.size" content="width=300, height=250"><script type="text/javascript">var clickTag="";</script></head>
[The residue of YourCreative code goes here.]</html>
NOTE! Make sure that the surfaces to be clickable using the clickTag variable definition for the click-through URL:
<a href=""><img src="images/dclk.png" border=0>
Multiple click tags counts up to the same number. - Destination links should be annexed in the email sent to the Bonnier news. - If you have multiple destination links to specified those with which clickTag used. In a scenario where the destination link must be hard-coded in the creative for example when the link is created dynamically, or the like. Then clickTag be added before the link destination as shown here: (clickTag + "", "_ blank"); or this: (clickTag + dynamicUrlObject, "_ blank"); If the destination of the link contains characters? or & link should be coded as follows: clickTag + encodeURIComponent ( "") In this scenario, do not the destination link is sent to the publisher, just a statement that the destination link is hard-coded in creative, and that clickTag tracking has been set.
Documentation of GAM Click Macro:
NOTE: If no other instructions are given we will insert the CLICK_URL_UNESC %% %% macro described in the GAM documentation linked above.
For us to be able to track the click count the GAM We need to be able to insert a click macro into the script while. We would like you to always deliver thescript with a placeholder for where to insert our click macro with The Following formats: `click =" [Google_Click_Macro_Here] "` .The name of the variable, `click =` is not important to us, you can name it whatever you like as long as the placeholder-name is very clear about where to insert the click macro.
Preferably name the placeholder [Google_Click_Macro_Here] as in the example above.
Example Third-party script: <script language = 'JavaScript1.1' SRC = "http: //www.3rdpartydomain? Key1 = value1 & key2 = value2 & CACHEBUSTER = [Cachebuster_Macro_Here] & click = [Google_Click_Macro_Here]"> </ SCRIPT>
Technical guidelines for creative content based on HTML5.
General information
These guidelines are intended for producers of creative content based on HTML5 and will be used for digital advertising at Bonnier news.
The following guidelines are important for the delivery and success of the campaign. Materials that do not follow the guidelines will unfortunately not be accepted.
We use Google Ad Manager (GAM) ad server (ad server) and these guidelines are written to work with this system.
We use friendly iframes delivery.
- It is by default not allowed to break out of the iframe (frame busting). Contact AdOps if the format requires.
- SVG within HTML not supported. However, it is possible to include standalone .svg files and use them as reference points in the HTML material.
- Animation of elements must not exceed 30 seconds.
- Materials must start the rendering of visual elements within 0.5 seconds.
- Average CPU load should not exceed 30% of maximum peak of 60%.
- The maximum number of calls (requests) is 15 pieces per annonsmaterial.- material master file must be named index.html.
- Relative paths will be used for resources and files in the material.
- References to external resources [1] should be absolute and start with //: Furthermore, the safety of support SSL / TLS.
- It is not allowed prevent vertical sidskroll [2].
- JavaScript console methods are not allowed.
- Geo Location and similar Web APIs that require user approval may only be used for user interaction.
[1] As the CDN and external fontbibliotek.
[2] Do not touch as the starting trigger for interaction (as touch start triggered at the scroll)
File sizeWe measure the total weight of the materials because HTML5 is composed of several different resources and control how each resource is loaded and in which order.
Mobile devices (Smartphones)
150KDesktop / Tablet
The file size is calculated on all resources including spårningsskripts, JavaScript libraries, font files, style sheets, etc. You can choose to use whitelisted CDNs, but these will be counted in the total file size of the material. Important: If your material requires that the limit is exceeded, contact AdOps in good time.
Note that mätskript and script from the 3rd-party such as Google, Sizmek and Adform average weight 70-90kb additional (beyond the actual creative) and that this additional weight included as part of the total weight.
That means that ad creator can not use as much of the total weight of the creative when delivering ads mätskript alt supplies via third-party, then mätskriptet and / or third-partskriptet will take part of the total weight.
Remember that it is possible to load additional resources for user interaction. These resources are not counted in the total initial size limits.
Bonnier News Test all materials with AdValidation according to specific parameters. Materials will fail when we test in Ad Validation will not be accepted.
- Try to use CSS animations as much as possible instead of JavaScript libraries.
- Animate never hidden elements.
- Try to reduce the number of calls.
- Do not load heavy material such as video before user interaction (this does not apply to specific video products).
- maximum number of calls (requests) is 15 pieces per creative.
- Materials must start the rendering of visual elements within 0.5 seconds.
- Average CPU load should not exceed 30% of maximum peak of 60%.
Sound (HTML materials with video)- Audio can only be activated at the click - no mouse-over.
- The sound must have an on / off button.
Graceful degradation / progressive enhancementBecause of the fragmentation of browsers supported W3C specification for HTML5 by all browsers. Bonnier News recommends that you provide an alternative version (fallback) for your materials by either design strategy graceful degradation and progressive enhancement. Materials that can "break" the standard browser will be rejected at validation or removed from the site if errors revealed in production.
Graceful degradation (graceful degradation) - means developing in a way so as to provide a certain level of user experience in more modern browser, but also downgrade to a lower level when the older browsers are used. The lower level provides a poor user experience but still provide basic functionality. You can not "break" so that it becomes unusable.
Progressive enhancement (progressive improvement) - is similar but do things the other way around. It establishes a base level of user experience that all browsers can provide the rendering of the material. But they are also building more advanced functionality that automatically becomes available-for-browser that supports it.
Structure, packaging and delivery
Because HTML can not be compressed and delivered to a single file, it is important to consider the file structure. Your creative materials should be based on an index file should be named index.html. This is the main file that will be loaded first, and initiate other components such as CSS and JavaScript files. Click tracking component mentioned above will be in the index.html file. The materials will be delivered in individual .zip files that contain all the creative resources in the root folder. Resources and libraries should not be delivered in separate folders such as "img", "css", "js" folders.
For us to be able to measure the viewability of the display ads must be 50% of the ad must be visible in the browser window for 1 second.
For us to be able to measure the viewability of video ads (Instream and outStream) must be 50% of the ad must be visible in the browser window for 2 seconds.
Click here to see which formats can viewability measurement for I / O and PG (Programmatic Guaranteed).Third Measurement for Display and outStream can be measured by the following vendors:
- Moat
- Integral Ad Science (IAS)
- Comscore
- DoubleVerify
Third Measurement for Instream (Web TV) supported not, we will forward it possible for the IAB's recommendation, the Open Source Measurment SDK. To read more, click here.
GDPR - Bonnier News
Data Policy - Bonnier News
Alla referenser och anrop till externa resurser ska vara absoluta och hämtas över SSL/TLS, vilket innebär att de ska inledas med https:// Använda domäner måste ha giltiga SSL-certifikat.
Annonserna ska fungera i alla aktuella versioner av nedan listade webbläsare, vilket ska testas och säkerställas av annonsproducenten före materialinlämning:
- Internet Explorer / Edge
- Mozilla Firefox
- Safari
- Opera
- Google Chrome
Materialspecar för varje format finns i Ocast under varje varumärke. Vänligen undersök varje format för specifika produktdetaljer.
Max tidsgräns för annonser:
Annonser gjord i HTML får ej överskrida 30 sek.
Animerade GIF annonser får ej överskrida 30 sek.
- Våra videoprodukter är mutade automatiskt från start. På-/av-knapp finns med.
- För HTML material och tredjepartstaggar med video får ljud endast aktiveras vid klick – ej mouse-over. Materialet måste ha en på-/av-knapp.
Övriga krav
- Tillåtna tredjepartsaktörer i samband med annonsering och mätning av kampanjer finner du här:
- Annonsproducenten ansvarar för materialets funktionalitet och utformning.
- Materialet får inte utformas på så sätt att annonsen kan misstas för redaktionellt innehåll.
- Materialet får inte innehålla kod som kan vara skadlig för användaren.
Material ska vara Bonnier News tillhanda senast:
* 3 arbetsdagar innan kampanjstart för färdigt material
* 4 arbetsdagar innan kampanjstart om produktion beställts hos Bonnier News
* 5 arbetsdagar innan kampanjstart för Alkoholannons
Vid sen materialleverans kan inte önskat startdatum garanteras.
Materialinlämning Direktkund, Citypaketet och Bonnier News Local
Material lämnas in via materiallänk / inskickssida.Materiallänk skickas automatiskt ut via mail till den person hos kund som står som materialkontakt på ordern.
För färdigt material skickas materiallänk 6 arbetsdagar innan kampanjstart.
Om produktion beställts hos Bonnier News skickas materiallänk 7 arbetsdagar innan kampanjstart.
Om bokning görs senare än 6 (resp. 7) dagar före kampanjstart, skickas materiallänk ut direkt efter att bokningen är lagd.
Om du inte fått materiallänk eller av någon annan anledning inte kommer åt våra automatiska länkar så kan du ladda upp material eller meddela om repetition av material här: Materialinlämning Digital order
Materialinlämning Mediebyråkund:
Maila materialet till:
Ange nedan information när ni levererar materialet:
- Vilken annonsör och kampanj materialet avser
- Start- och slutdatum
- Landnings-URL:er
- Kontaktperson och uppgifter
Information on drug ads
As for the marketing of pharmaceuticals, prescription, non-prescription and herbal remedies
Annonser om klimat och hållbarhet ska generellt sett vara seriösa, trovärdiga, faktabaserade, balanserade, ej hårdvinklade eller överdrivna.
Annonser om klimat och hållbarhet ska vara strikt korrekta när det gäller fakta. Påståenden ska beläggas, källhänvisning till seriöst faktaunderlag kan krävas.
Påståenden om klimatnytta från en annonsör/ett bolag ska vara balanserade och förankrade i verkligheten - överdrifter ska ej förekomma.
På våra premiumannonsplatser publicerar vi inte annonser från aktörer som har huvuddelen av sina inkomster från fossilindustrin.
På premiumannonsplatserna förordar vi klimatannonsering som präglas av hållbarhet - och inte exempelvis marknadsföring av bensinbilar och långa flygresor.
Vi förbehåller oss rätten att avvisa annonser som inte lever upp till ovanstående krav.