
Get started with Newspaper advertising in Uusimaa

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Best Newspaper advertising providers in Uusimaa


42 brands found


Local News · Uusimaa on päivittäin ilmestyvä sanomalehti, joka ilmestyy seitsemänä päivänä viikossa, jossa uutisoidaan paikallisia ja valtakunnallisia uu...
Active in Uusimaa
Offers Newspapers

Vantaan Sanomat

Local News · Vantaan Sanomat on Vantaalaisten oma paikallislehti, joka ilmestyy keskiviikkoisin ja lauantaisin....
Active in Vantaa
Offers Newspapers

Sipoon Sanomat

Local News · Torstaisin paikallislehti Sipoon Sanomat raportoi paikallisuutisista....
Active in Nikkilä
Offers Newspapers

Helsingin Sanomat

Local News · Helsingin Sanomat on Helsingissä ilmestyvä suomalainen päivälehti. Lehti raportoi paikallisia ja valtakunnallisia uutisia....
Active in Helsinki
Offers Newspapers
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Local News · Hufvudstadsbladet on vuonna 1864 perustettu ruotsinkielinen suomalainen sanomalehti....
Active in Helsinki
Offers Newspapers

Helsingin Uutiset

Local News · Helsingin Uutiset on suomenkielinen paikallislehti, joka on saatavana sekä sanomalehti- että verkkolehtenä. He raportoivat sekä paikallisist...
Active in Helsinki
Offers Newspapers


Local News · Keski-Uusimaa ilmestyy Tusbyssä seitsemänä päivänä viikossa....
Active in Hyrylä
Offers Newspapers


Local News · Östnyland är en svenskspråkig tidning och ges ut i de östra delarna av Nyland. Tidningen kommer ut två dagar i veckan....
Active in Porvoo
Offers Newspapers


Local News · Länsiväylä on suomalainen paikallislehti, joka raportoi paikallisista uutisista ja tapahtumista....
Active in Espoo
Offers Newspapers

Nurmijärven Uutiset

Local News · Nurmijärven Uutiset on paikallislehti, joka ilmestyy sekä sanoma- että verkkolehtenä....
Active in Nurmijärvi
Offers Newspapers

Mäntsälän Uutiset

Local News · Mäntsälän Uutiset on suomenkielinen paikallislehti Mäntsälän alueella....
Active in Mäntsälä
Offers Newspapers

Kirkkonummen Sanomat

News · Hanki uutisia Kirkkonummelta ja lähialueelta....
Active in Kirkkonummi
Offers Newspapers


Local News · Aamuposti on Hyvinkäällä ilmestyvä, painettuna tai digitaalisesti mainostettava suomalainen päivälehti....
Active in Hyvinkää
Offers Newspapers

Vihdin Uutiset

Local News · Vihdin Uutiset on paikallislehti, joka ilmestyy keskiviikkoisin ja viikonloppuisin Luoteis-Uusimaa....
Active in Nummela
Offers Newspapers

Loviisan Sanomat

Local News · Loviisan Sanomat on päivälehti, joka ilmestyy kahdesti viikossa Loviisa....
Active in Loviisa
Offers Newspapers


Local News · Länsi-Nyland esiintyy kuutena päivänä viikossa Lojolla ja raportoi paikallisista uutisista ja tapahtumista....
Active in Lohja
Offers Newspapers

Etelän Uusimaa

Local News · Etelän Uutiset on suomenkielinen paikallislehti, joka raportoi paikallisista uutisista ja tapahtumista kansalaisille....
Active in Karis
Offers Newspapers

Hämeenlinnan kaupunkiuutiset

Local News · Hämeenlinnan kaupunkiuutiset on verkkolehti ja -lehti, joka raportoi viimeisimmistä uutisista....
Active in Hämeenlinna
Offers Newspapers

Hämeen Sanomat

Local News · Hämeen Sanomat on vuonna 1879 perustettu aamulehti, joka ilmestyy Hämeenlinnassa....
Active in Hämeenlinna
Offers Newspapers

Västra Nyland

Local News · Västra Nyland är en svenskspråkig tidning i Raseborg och utkommer två gånger i veckan....
Active in Raseborg sub-region
Offers Newspapers
Loaded 20 of 42 results
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What are the advantages of newspaper advertising?

Newspaper advertising is one of the more affordable advertising options out there while offering the potential to reach a broad audience with high coverage. With a newspaper ad, you can effortlessly target local demographics and reinforce your brand in a specific city or region.

Newspapers are known for their authenticity and are often considered more credible sources than other media channels, boosting trust for the advertiser.

Given that newspapers have a high publication frequency with many release dates, your advertising can be incredibly flexible. With ready material, your ad can be out in a newspaper as soon as next week.

How much does it cost to advertise in a newspaper?

The cost of advertising in a newspaper starts from around 300 USD and can go up to 20 000 USD, depending on several factors like the newspaper's reach, the size of the ad, and the paper's geographical area.

A small local newspaper might have significantly lower prices than what a larger national publication offers. We've analyzed rate cards from hundreds of newspapers to understand how they differ and what influences the pricing. When considering newspaper advertising, it's essential to account for the ad size, the newspaper's circulation and distribution, its popularity, the chosen ad placement within the paper, and its geographical location.

Furthermore, costs can be influenced by choosing color or black and white, opting for special offers or bundled prices, and seasonal variations.

To get an accurate pricing, it's recommended to contact the newspaper's advertising department directly, many of which also provide digital media kits with pricing. Ensure you negotiate to get the best price possible. On Ocast, you can browse through hundreds of newspapers and compare prices directly on their profiles.

What are the different formats in newspaper advertising?

When looking to advertise in a newspaper, there are various formats and sizes to choose from, and these can differ between newspapers and publications. Here are some examples of common ad formats:

Full Page: Occupies an entire page in the newspaper, offering ample space for your message.

Half Page: Takes up half of the page, either horizontally or vertically.

Quarter Page: Takes up a quarter of the page.

Smaller Ad Modules: Might be an eighth of a page or less, typically being the most cost-effective solution.

Spread: A double full page that stretches across two pages, giving extra space for your message.

Special Placement Ads: These ads are positioned in strategic places in the newspaper, like the front page, back page, or near popular content.

Inserts: A separate supplement or brochure that comes with the newspaper.

The format most suitable for you depends on your budget, target audience, and message. Each format has its unique advantages and can reach readers in different ways.

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