Newsletter advertising in Copenhagen

Ocast has the leading selection of newsletters. Submit your inquiry and collect campaign proposals from multiple actors.

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Best Newsletter advertising providers in Copenhagen


187 brands found

Komputer for Alle – Nyhedsbrev og Website

Computers · Komputer for alle er det eneste pc-magasin for brugere på alle niveauer.
Den redaktionelle linje dækker pc’er og internettet, tablets og sma...
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters

Digital Foto – Nyhedsbrev og Website

Photography · Digital Foto er Danmarks største magasin for amatørfotograferingentusiaster.
Digital Foto præsenterer masser af inspiration, interviews med ...
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters

Historie – Nyhedsbrev og Website

Science · Historie adresserer al verdenshistorie og dækker en bred vifte af emner – fra intense krigsdramaer og opdagelsesrejsende til triumfer inden ...
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters

Magasinet Mobilitet, og Nyhedsbrevet fra DPTs produkter

Automotive · Dansk PersonTransport (DPT) repræsenterer rute-, fjern- og turistbusvognmænd, taxikørsels- kontorer og taxivognmænd, offentlig servicetrafik...
Active in Denmark
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Health · Astma-Allergi Danmark er en dansk patientforening og interesseorganisation. Foreningen arbejder for, at alle berørt af astma, allergi, høfeb...
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters


Arts · ISCENE bringer dig tættere på scenekunsten. Uanset hvor du bor i landet og om du er til komik, musicals, performance eller klassisk teater. ...
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters

MERE Podcast

Mental Health · MERE inviterer dig ind i tankerne og dagligdagen hos nogle af branchens mest indflydelsesrige entreprenører, ledere og eksperter. Oplev hvor...
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters
Reaches 50% women, 50% men, 18-60 years

HORESTAs Nyhedsbrev

Food & Drink · Det eneste danske medie i Horeca-segmentet udgives af HORESTA, som udsender et online nyhedsbrev mandag, onsdag og fredag hele året rundt. M...
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters


Celebrity Gossip · Positivity is at the heart of BILLED-BLADET, Denmark's Royal Weekly and online at , when everything about the famous and roy...
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters
Reaches 68% women, 32% men, 13-65 years

Ude og Hjemme

Family & Relationships · Ude og Hjemme is the modern family weekly magazine. We bring relevant articles that touch the emotions and give food for thought....
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters
Reaches 71% women, 29% men, 13-65 years

Dansk Markedsføring

Advertising · Dansk Markedsføring skriver i Mediet Markedsføring om marketing, reklame, tech og kommunikation, som er udkommet siden 1927....
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters

CleantechWatch bannerannoncering

Business · CleantechWatch går helt tæt på miljøområdet, hvor Danmark med en række virksomheder og forskningsinstitutioner er verdensledende, når det ha...
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters

EjendomsWatch bannerannoncering

Real Estate · Det professionelle ejendomsmarked spiller en stadig større rolle i det danske samfund. Investorer hos ejendomsselskaber, -fonde og pensionsk...
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters
Reaches 71% men, 29% women, 31-60 years banner advertisement

Energy & Raw Materials ·  

EnergyWatch delivers independent, critical and balanced journalism about the energy and utilities industry. Updated regularly throughout ...
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters
Reaches 81% men, 19% women, 31-60 years

Familie Journal

Family & Relationships · The weekly Familie Journal covers a wide range of good food recipes, consumer material, relevant everyday stories about Danish families, nov...
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters
Reaches 58% women, 42% men, 13-65 years

Dansk Veterinærtidsskrift

Advertising · Dansk Veterinærtidsskrift fokuserer på emner, der styrker medlemmernes position på arbejdsmarkedet....
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters

MediaWatch bannerannoncering

Business · Mediebranchen spiller en afgørende rolle for vores demokrati og kultur. En rolle, der er under forandring og under pres som følge af struktu...
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters
Reaches 63% men, 37% women, 31-60 years


Advertising · L-Mediehus er landbrugets forenede medie og har en bred medieportefølje....
Active in Denmark
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News · Altinget er et nyhedssite, der rapporterer om politiske nyheder....
Active in Denmark
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Mandag Morgen

Local News · Mandag Morgen er en unik kombination af mediehus og tænketank som hjælper beslutningstagere med at forstå de udfordringer, vores samfund stå...
Active in Denmark
Offers Newsletters
Loaded 20 of 187 results
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What is the cost of advertising in newsletters?

The cost of advertising in newsletters varies depending on factors such as the newsletter's reach, audience, and the publisher's brand. The price tag for advertising in a newsletter issue for a medium-sized media starts around 500 USD and can extend over about 3000 USD per dispatch.

There's also an option to purchase newsletter dispatches in packages, which can be more cost-effective. The price can also be affected by the ad's format and size as well as its position in the newsletter.

We recommend contacting the publisher directly to get an idea of the cost of advertising in their newsletters. You can also request a quote via to gather quotes from multiple operators and thereby review which price and package suit best. You can also browse and compare among our operators here.

By comparing different options, you can find the most cost-effective way to reach your target audience by advertising in newsletters.

How do I find a list for newsletter dispatches?

You can start by searching on various websites belonging to companies or organizations within the desired industry. Many websites offering advertising also have newsletters as part of their ad strategy. You can often find their ad channels via their media kit. If the information isn't directly available on the website, you can always reach out to the website.

However, the quickest and most effective way to find a list for newsletter dispatches is to use platforms like, where you can find a compilation of different operators offering newsletters as an advertising channel. On Ocast, you can easily compare different newsletters based on their reach, audience, and cost. Request a quote via Ocast to get a better understanding of the costs and compare different options against each other.

What different formats are there in a newsletter?

The different formats available in newsletters can be tailored for each campaign. Among the different formats we find:

Banner ads: Often a banner is placed at the top or bottom of the newsletter. They are excellent for quickly capturing attention and leading clicks to your website.

Embedded ads: These ads can be text-based or contain images and offers that look like a natural part of the newsletter.

Sponsored posts: This format resembles embedded ads but is often longer and can include an entire article that is purchased. Sponsored posts are great for building knowledge about your brand to a specific audience.

Product placements: Here, specific products or services can be placed in a section of the newsletter, often with an image and a short description or an offer.

You can also choose to include exclusive offers or discount codes, any video ads, or smartly placed CTA (Call to Action) buttons in newsletters to convert, drive clicks, and encourage readers to act on your content.

Why should one choose newsletter advertising in their marketing?

Through marketing via newsletters, you have the opportunity to reach potential, or current customers directly via their email inbox. The strength of this strategy lies in the ability to reach extremely specific demographics or interest groups, where each newsletter acts as a bridge between the brand and a well-defined target audience.

Therefore, newsletters often also have higher engagement and click-through rates, which in turn leads to the easy predictability of the measurability and outcome of a campaign and therefore you can also calculate ROI (return on investment) even before starting a dispatch.

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