Digital marketing

Top Digital marketing agencies in Copenhagen

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Popular Digital marketing agencies in Copenhagen


279 agencies found


Modigere end et konsulentfirma. Mere analytisk end et reklamebureau.Vi nytænker din virksomhed og identificerer dine overgangsmuligheder gen...
Active in Copenhagen
Offers Digital marketing

Nexus Ambition

Vi udvikler, vi leverer og vi aktiverer datadrevne kundeoplevelser. Og vi gør det med passion!Vi lægger ikke skjul på, at vi vil være Danmar...
Active in Copenhagen
Offers Digital marketing

PL & Partners

PL & Partners er et digitalt marketingbureau. Vi er en samling af rådgivere, der hver dag går på arbejde for at skabe synlige resultater sam...
Active in Copenhagen
Offers Digital marketing

Primetime Kommunikation

Primetime er drevet af lige dele kreativitet og analyse. Og over 60 medarbejdere, som brænder for deres arbejde. Som løser kommunikationsopg...
Active in Copenhagen
Offers Digital marketing
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Think PR

Hos Think er vi PR-konsulenter, indholdsansvarlige, journalister, medieanalytikere, kommunikationsrådgivere, trendspottere, politiske specia...
Active in Copenhagen
Offers Digital marketing


Vi startede i 2016 med en enkelt skrivebordsplads i en baggård i det indre København. Vi har i dag kontorer i Århus og København med mere en...
Active in Copenhagen
Offers Digital marketing


Vi er et uafhængigt reklamebureau. Problemløsning ligger i vores natur, og vi hjælper dig med at vurdere og løse dine største kommunikations...
Active in Copenhagen
Offers Digital marketing

Brand New Story

Brand New Story er et full-service influencer marketing bureau med nogle af de mest innovative og hurtigt voksende indholdsskabere. Vi stræb...
Active in Copenhagen
Offers Digital marketing


PointTaken er et PR- og marketingbureau, der har specialiseret sig i personlig branding og virksomhedsprofilering.PointTaken blev grundlagt ...
Active in Copenhagen
Offers Digital marketing

So Social

Vi er specialister i sociale medier og i at hjælpe virksomheder med 360-graders løsninger, der skaber resultater. Vi hjælper med kanalstyrin...
Active in Copenhagen
Offers Digital marketing

Lead Agency

Vi er et full-service kommunikationsbureau og tilbyder bureauydelser på tværs af discipliner såsom strategisk kommunikation, corporate brand...
Active in Copenhagen
Offers Digital marketing


Hej, vi er IMPACT, og vi er her for at styrke digital handel. Vi gør det ved at bygge omnichannel-løsninger ved hjælp af strategi, design, t...
Active in Copenhagen
Offers Digital marketing


PONG er et kreativt konsulentfirma, der løser forretningsmæssige udfordringer med usædvanlig kommunikation, innovation og brandoplevelser. V...
Active in Copenhagen
Offers Digital marketing

Uncle Grey

Et boutique-bureau med fokus på kreativitet, strategi og digitalt. Forkæmper en medie neutral tilgang til kommunikation og har en arv og his...
Active in Copenhagen
Offers Digital marketing


O&O tilbyder en bred vifte af kreative og strategiske tjenester. Vi arbejder bredt, fordi vi tror på vigtigheden af ikke at lade, hvad der e...
Active in Copenhagen
Offers Digital marketing


Vi er et kreativt reklamebureau, der skaber skræddersyede løsninger, der imødekommer det stadigt skiftende markedsrum ved at fastholde en in...
Active in Copenhagen
Offers Digital marketing

Yellow Umwelt

Yellow Umwelt er et bureau baseret i København, der er anerkendt for vores strategiske, kreative og digitale kompetencer. Vi bygger relevant...
Active in Copenhagen
Offers Digital marketing


Grey Global Group er blandt verdens førende reklame- og marketingorganisationer og betjener en femtedel af FORTUNE 500 i 86 lande. Under ban...
Active in Copenhagen
Offers Digital marketing

Cognito Digital

Datadrevet digital markedsføring er en jungle af konstant teknologisk udvikling, nye formater og platforme. I Cognito Digitals bestyrelse be...
Active in Copenhagen
Offers Digital marketing

grafisk formgivning

Vi er eksperter i grafisk design.  Vi har specialiseret os i en række ydelser og som et moderne grafisk designbureau sikrer vi, at du er på ...
Active in Copenhagen
Offers Digital marketing
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What is a digital marketing agency and what services do they offer?

A digital marketing agency is a partner that supports companies in their efforts to reach and engage their target audiences online. The agency possesses deep knowledge in various online marketing channels, including search engine optimization (SEO), Google advertising, and social media marketing.

The services offered by a digital marketing agency are many and varied, such as:

Search Engine Visibility Improvement (SEO): By optimizing website content, structure, and technical aspects, the agency can increase the site's visibility in search engine results and improve the user experience.

Google Advertising (Google Ads): The agency utilizes Google's advertising platform to design and manage campaigns that expose the company's ads on Google's search engine and its network of websites.

Social Media Marketing: The agency can create and monitor company profiles on social media and produce content that attracts and engages potential customers.

Email Marketing: The agency can design email campaigns that communicate with both current and potential customers to strengthen customer relationships.

Content Marketing: The agency can create quality content tailored to the interests and needs of the target audience to build trust and engagement.

In addition to these services, a digital marketing agency can also assist with strategic planning, market analysis, web design and development, and evaluation of marketing efforts.

When choosing a digital marketing agency, it is important to find one that has expertise in the areas most relevant to your business and can work within your budget. You can request and compare quotes on to get a good overview.

What are the benefits of digital marketing?

Digital marketing has many benefits, including:

Target audience customization: Digital marketing enables targeting specific audiences with high precision.

Measurability: Digital marketing is easy to measure and follow up, making it possible to see how effective the campaigns are.

High efficiency: Digital marketing can be extremely effective, especially when integrated with other marketing methods.

How do I choose the right digital marketing agency?

When choosing a digital marketing agency, it is important to consider the following factors:

Agency experience: Choose an agency that has experience working with companies in your industry.

Agency competence: Choose an agency that has expertise in the areas you want to focus on.

Agency pricing: Compare the agencies' pricing before making a decision.

On, you can compare quotes from several different agencies before making a decision.

What is the cost of hiring a digital marketing agency?

The cost of hiring a digital marketing agency varies depending on the agency's size, experience, and the scope of the services offered. Generally, it is a cost-effective investment, especially when compared with traditional marketing.

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