
Find the best Advertising agency in Roskilde

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238 agencies found

Mathilde Forstholm - kommunikationsbureau

Definer jeres brand - før omverdenen gør det.. Opbyg en indholdsstrategi med content marketing, og styrk jeres online og offline brand omdøm...
Active in Denmark
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THINKWEB hjælper din virksomhed med at øge omsætningen med mere online synlighed og tilstedeværelse.THINKWEB skaber flere kunder til din vir...
Active in Denmark
Offers Advertising

3xo - Digital Business Development

Vi stræber efter at gøre det rigtige, ikke kun at gøre tingene på den rigtige måde...
Active in Denmark
Offers Advertising

Curting Media

Hos Curting Media er vores mission at give dig flere kunder – din succes er vores succes.Med konceptet Transparent Markedsføring ønsker vi a...
Active in Denmark
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Komplet Marketing

Vi er et full-service bureau, så vi kan klare alt fra at lave en helt ny hjemmeside, til at optimere den efter Googles regler og endelig ska...
Active in Denmark
Offers Advertising

OnDigital A/S

Vi tror på at udvide vores ekspertise, hvor vores kunders behov er mest kritiske.OnDigital er en stolt del af OnPrint, den største trykkeri-...
Active in Denmark
Offers Advertising


Digital Marketing / Content Creation / Design / CopywritingKreativa er din kreative værktøjskasse og digitale samarbejdspartner, der bringer...
Active in Denmark
Offers Advertising

RR Marketing

RRmarketing er et alsidigt enkeltmandsteam, der er specialiseret i at hjælpe startups og SMV'er med deres digitale marketingbehov. Vi priori...
Active in Denmark
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i-Strategi har mange års erfaring med alle former for online markedsføring, digital kommunikation og bæredygtighedsrådgivning. Vi går ikke p...
Active in Denmark
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Reklamebureauet i Køge med det sorte bælte inden for visuel kommunikation og digital markedsføringDer er mange reklamebureauer derude. Allig...
Active in Denmark
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Lysholm Reklamebureau A/S

Hos Lysholm er vi et team af kommunikationsspecialister, der søger at hjælpe og guide vores kunder gennem det fragmenterede kommunikations- ...
Active in Denmark
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Som digitalt bureau favner vi det hele lige fra teknisk webudvikling og grafisk design over søgemaskine- og konverteringsoptimering til Adwo...
Active in Denmark
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Emprove blev grundlagt i 2021 og ejes og drives af Joachim Pehrson & Mads Hansen. For at kunne tilbyde vores ydelser, har vi været nødt til ...
Active in Denmark
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OneStep marketing

OneStep marketing hjælper med strategien og tager ejerskab på eksekveringen, så du kan få ressourcerne fri.Når du er konceptkunde hos OneSte...
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Lionlab ApS

Vi er et mindre digitalt marketingbureau med mange års erfaring og ekspertise. Vores tilgang kan bedst beskrives som digitale håndværkere, d...
Active in Denmark
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Digital Juice

Hos Digital juice arbejder vi med digital kommunikation og handel i form af alt fra digital strategi, branding, konverteringsoptimering, soc...
Active in Denmark
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Intastellar Solutions, International

Vi er et reklamebureau, hvis mål er at hjælpe små virksomheder med at skabe deres nye identitet. Vi har kontoret beliggende i Sønderborg-omr...
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Business as a force for goodNår vi arbejder for social, miljømæssig og økonomisk bæredygtighed giver det mening. Og hvordan har vi så tænkt ...
Active in Denmark
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English Consult

Din virksomhed behøver ikke at have en marketingafdeling for at lave god markedsføring. Du kan bruge de samme tilgange, værktøjer og ressour...
Active in Denmark
Offers Advertising

GRASSAT Reklamebureau

GRASSAT er stolte af at have over 20 års erfaring indenfor marketing, hjemmesidedesign, webshops, udvikling af visuelle identiteter, foto og...
Active in Denmark
Offers Advertising

What Does an Advertising Agency Do?

An advertising agency is a company that specializes in creating and delivering advertisements. Advertising agencies assist businesses and organizations in reaching their target audience and marketing their products or services. They work on everything from strategy development to creative design, media planning and buying, campaign execution, and often also measure the effectiveness of the campaigns.

What Types of Services Does an Advertising Agency Offer?

Advertising agencies offer a wide range of services to help companies reach their target audience with the marketing of their products or services.

The most common services that an advertising agency offers are:

  • Advertising Production: Creating advertising materials, such as TV commercials, radio ads, print ads, web ads, and social media ads.

  • Marketing Strategy: Developing a plan for how to reach the target audience.

  • Ad Analysis: Measuring the effect of advertising campaigns.

In addition to these basic services, advertising agencies may also offer other specialized services, such as public relations, digital marketing, influencer marketing, and branding.

How Do I Find a Good Advertising Agency?

Identify your marketing needs and goals. Search for agencies with experience in your industry or with specific services you need. Request portfolios and case studies, and consider having an initial consultation to assess the agency's creativity and understanding of your brand. Gather quotes on to compare prices, reviews, and industry expertise.

What Does It Cost to Hire an Advertising Agency?

The cost of hiring an advertising agency can vary significantly depending on several factors, such as the agency's size and reputation, the scope of the project, the specific services requested, and the length of the campaign or collaboration.

Here are some general guidelines:

  • Project-Based Fees: For specific projects, like an advertising campaign, agencies can charge a fixed sum based on the complexity and requirements of the project. These fees can range from a few hundred dollars to over ten to twenty thousand dollars per project.

  • Retainer-Based Fees: For long-term relationships, agencies can charge a monthly or annual retainer fee. This model provides continuous access to a range of services and can vary from few thousand dollars to tens of thousands dollars per month, depending on the scope of services.

  • Hourly Fees: Some agencies charge per hour for their services. Hourly rates can vary from fifty to hundred dollars to several hundred dollar per hour, depending on the agency's expertise and the nature of the service.

  • Performance-Based Fees: In some cases, agencies may also offer performance-based pricing, where part of the payment is tied to the campaign's results, such as increased sales or traffic.

It's important to discuss and understand the cost structure before entering into an agreement with an advertising agency. It's also good to compare quotes from different agencies to get an idea of market prices and to find an agency that fits both your budget and needs.

On Ocast, you can request and compare quotes from several different advertising agencies to get a good idea of the cost before choosing an agency.

How Does an Advertising Agency Differ from a Marketing Agency?

An advertising agency focuses more on the creation and distribution of advertising materials, while a marketing agency offers a broader service that includes market analysis, product development, pricing strategies, and overall marketing strategies. Depending on the size and resources of the advertising agency, they may also offer the same services as a marketing agency.

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