Industry — e-Learning | Location — Denmark


Mimir is the avatar of knowledge from Norse Mythology, whose name means the one who remembers. As legendary Mimir was a source of Odins wisdom, Mimir Test is a powerful cognitive trainer. 

The founder of Mimir Test came up with a robust idea, documented logic, and even some sketches to hire a development team, which may bring it to life. So, UKAD provided him with back- and front-end development, and quality solution architecture, and covered everything with tests. We also updated the original visual conception with good-looking and clear charts, which provide users with comprehensive analytics and allow evaluating the progress easily. 

Challenges and Solutions

Mimir Test had challenging requirements strictly defined with its unique conception.

  • Many language support with easy switching

  • The clear layout that doesnt distract users during testing

  • Possibility of adding, changing, and managing huge amounts of content

  • Safe and easy payments

  • Great security level

To fulfill all the requirements, we decided to use Umbraco CMS augmented with plugins. The solution was selected because of its great usability both for users and managers. Then, we added the possibility to implement support for many languages (at this stage Danish and English) with synchronous translation which significantly reduces time spent on content management. Analytics and charts were implemented with Highcharts Plugin discovered during UKADs research. As the payments platform, Mimir Test uses Netaxept by Nets because of its highest level of security and user-friendly UI.


Mimir Test successfully dealt with 20 thousand simulated test results, which were created during the testing, which means that its robust enough to serve multiple users at one time. It also means the founder of Mimir Test is pleased with the UKADs work