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Koko näyttö

Kapital Consulting highlights an important subject area and an industry that has so far had few marketplaces. Accounting, auditing and consulting are concepts in finance that deserve to be raised in a larger business perspective. We want to give business leaders and those responsible for finance and economics in particular, more insight into the industry.

Focus areas

Consolidation - trends The industry has been and still is undergoing a major upheaval. We will focus on mergers, acquisitions and company results in an industry that is constantly evolving.

Digitization - automation IT, automation, cloud systems and accounting and financial systems in general will of course be thoroughly analyzed in each and every edition.

Rule changes We closely follow all changes that are made in laws, regulations and recommendations.

The course market, job issues, job changes Due to constant changes in regulations, the industry has an endless need for competence expansions and good system suppliers. Education and recruitment are high on our agenda.

Ad Value:

- Unique opportunity to profile / position oneself when the reader is in the relevant context and mode

- Greater probability of getting the desired impact / effect with the right message

- Capital Consulting is part of a valuable target group in an environment where the readers focus is on your segment, whether you represent accounting, auditing, IT / system supplier, association or other accounting stakeholders.

- In Finansavisen you will meet the most valuable readers in Norway: They have the most power and influence and a high degree of decision-making authority when it comes to finances.

Contact: Vidar Gerhard, mobile: +47 997 34 535, email:

Formaatit ja hinnat



Hegnar Media
Mainonta · Norja