Formats and prices
Ad specifications
This specification is intended for producers of advertising material based on HTML5 and which will be used for digital advertising at Schibsted. The following guidelines are important for the success of the campaign and its delivery. Therefore materials that do not follow the guidelines will not be approved. For specific weights and sizes, see specification under each product.
- All connections must be made through https.
It is not allowed to break out of iframes, so called framebusting. - We recommend that the material makes a maximum of 15 requests (images, JS library, fonts, etc.)
- For light or white backgrounds, the material must have a black 1px border.
- Do not use animations that take a lot of computer power, e.g. javascript-animated snowfall.
- Animations must not be longer than 30 seconds.
- Use CCS animations instead of Javascript animations as much as possible.
- The material must not take over the scroll function of the page.
- Please note that all resources are included in the ad weight without cache.
- If video is to be used in the advertisement, see further information under Video in Banner.
We recommend that 100% of the ad space is clickable.
Click on ad must open in a new window / tab.
Schibsted tests all ads before approval, this includes testing the performance of advertising material on simulated systems. If you follow the guidelines above, the material should work as it should and thus be approved. If you choose to produce your own HTML5 ads without the help of our certified production companies, however, it is your responsibility to ensure that the ad works. If the material does not work as intended, we place the material on a test page and the url is then sent back to the production agency for our own tests.
On Schibsted’s sites, the ads are run in a so-called safeframe. This is done to protect the user from attacks performed through advertisements. In short, Safeframe means that the ad cannot access the rest of the site without the site’s permission. For the advertiser, this means that the ad e.g. can not see its position on the page. For more information on how to measure viewability with safeframe, please refer to IAB’s guidelines.
Click for external browser from app
Schibsted’s apps open all links in an internal browser in the app. This is done so that the user can return to the app as smoothly as possible after visiting the ad landing page. If you as an advertiser want to link to the phone’s regular browser, you can do so with the example code below.
<script src=""></script> <div id="banner" onclick="openLink()"></div> <script> var clickTag = ""; function openLink() { if (anjam.ready) { //Banner is in app anjam.ExternalBrowser(clickTag); } else{ //Banner is in web, "_blank"); } } </script>
In addition to the above specification that applies to all materials, the following guidelines must be followed for materials that are to be uploaded to Schibsted’s advertising server Appnexus.
The material should only contain one (1) index.html file.
All external references must be https.
When submitting HTML zip, the landing page must not be hard-coded in the ad, as Appnexus requires that it be defined in the ad server in connection with uploading the material. Instead, implement the clicks according to the instructions below:
1. Add the following JavaScript to index.html
<script type="text/javascript"> function getParameterByName(name) { var match = RegExp('[?&]' + name + '=([^&]*)').exec(; return match && decodeURIComponent(match[1].replace(/\+/g, ' ')); } var clickTag = getParameterByName('clickTag'); </script>
2. Add the clickTag variable to any element in the HTML code
Here are some examples:
Example 1 – div
<div onclick=", '_blank');"></div>
Example 2 – JavaScript
<div id="banner"></div> <script> document.getElementById("banner").addEventListener("click", function() {, '_blank'); }, false); </script>
Example 3 – a href
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick=", '_blank');">
3. Test
Test locally on the computer by opening the html file in the desired browser and then adding
?ClickTag = http: // in the browser’s address bar, reloading the page with the new address and then clicking on the banner. If you end up on, the banner works as it should.
Third-Party Tags
In most cases, it is possible to use third-party tags when advertising on Schibsted, see specification of each product for the possibility of using third-party tags.
Third-party tags mean that the ad is hosted on an external server and that Schibsted receives a code to book into the advertising space. When a call to the ad system is answered by the campaign, the code in question will run on the page and the ad it points to will appear.
The same general guidelines that apply to display advertising apply to third-party ads.
See approved third-party players for advertising on Schibsted here.
Video In Banner
NOTE! Not to be confused with Outstream which must be produced by Schibsted Production. Note that a video in banner must be produced in HTML5, we can not accept pure MP4 files. Schibsted only measures clicks, impressions and viewability for video in banners.
The guidelines that apply to all display ads must be followed, in addition to these, the following must also be followed:
- Video in a banner must be uploaded only when the editorial content on the site has finished loading, with so-called polite file loading. This is done by listening to the javascript event window.onload.
- The video must not play audio automatically, or be activated via mouse-over.
- The video must not have an audio channel at initial load for ads to go on the mobile. If the user clicks on the banner, it is allowed to upload a new video with an audio channel. This is important because if the audio channel is initially included, other applications that are running at the same time, such as Spotify, can have the audio turned off.
- The video element must always have playsinline webkit-playsinline in order not to open in full screen.
Example: <video src = ”video.mp4” playsinline webkit-playsinline /> - MP4 file format with encoding H.264 and baseline profile is recommended.
AAC encoding is recommended for audio. The combination MP4 and H.264 with AAC audio works well across most devices. - Streaming techniques such as HLS and MPEG-DASH are recommended for higher quality video, provided the ad itself selects the correct streaming quality based on the device’s load and internet speed.
- Schibsted denies ads that do not take into account the device’s load and internet speed.
File weights
The regular file weights of the format (eg panorama) still apply, but in addition to the regular file weight, there is additional leeway for the film if it is to be played automatically (always done with polite load):
Desktop/Tablet: 1000 kb
Mobile: 500 kb
For example, a Video-in-banner for Desktop, Panorama 980×240, must weigh a maximum of 200kb initial load (before the site loads completely), a maximum of 1000kb polite load (after the onload event). For video to be played after clicks from the user, there is no limit, but it is important that you then make sure that the video has not been uploaded before that.
This specification is intended for producers of creatives based on HTML5 and used for digital advertising at Schibsted. The following guidelines are essential for the campaign's success and delivery, thus creatives that do not comply with the guidelines will therefore not be approved. The specification is written for campaigns running on Schibsted's Appnexus Adserver.
* The creative should contain only one (1) index.html file
* All external references must be https
* It is not allowed to break out of iframes, through so-called framebusting .
* All elements that Schibsted is hosting must have relative paths.
* The creative may not have more than 15 requests (images, JS libraries, fonts, etc.)
* The creative must have a black 1px border.
* Average CPU usage may not exceed 30%, with a maximum peak of 60%.
* Animations must not exceed 30 seconds.
* Use CCS3 animations rather than Javascript animations.
* Never animate hidden items * The creative may not take over the page scroll function.
* Avoid using CSS background image as this may affect viewability measurement.
* Please note that all resources are counted in the weight of the ad without cache.
* If video is used in the ad, see additional information under Video in Banner.
* We recommend that 100% of the ad is clickable.
* Landing page must be opened in a new window or tab.
* Landing page may not be embedded in the ad, as Appnexus requires it to be defined in the ad server when uploading the content.
* Do not use the Javascript event touch start as a click call, instead - use any of the three options below.Schibsted requires click functionality to be implemented in the creative according to IAB's definition of clickTags in HTML creatives.
Follow below instructions to do so:
1. Add the following JavaScript to the index.html.
<script type = "text / javascript"> function getParameterByName (name) { var match = RegExp ('[? &]' + name + '= ([^ &] *)'). exec (; return match && decodeURIComponent (match [1] .replace (/ \ + / g, '')); } var clickTag = getParameterByName ('clickTag'); </script> |
2. Add the clickTag variable to any element in the HTML code, here are some examples:
Example 1 - div
<div onclick = " (clickTag, '_blank');"> </div> |
Example 2 - JavaScript
<div id = "banner"> </div> <script> document.getElementById ("banner"). addEventListener ("click", function () { (clickTag, '_blank'); }, false); </script> |
Test the creative locally on your computer by opening the html file into desired browser. Then, add? ClickTag = to the url, reload the page with the new address, and then click the creative. If you end up on, the creative's click function works as it should.
Here's an creative example for download.
Terms & Conditions
Schibsted tests all creatives before approval, including testing the performance of the creative in simulated systems. The ad runs on a system with older hardware (1.5GHz processor, 920MB RAM, latest version of Google Chrome). The CPU and RAM usage are measured continuously during the process. Ads that exceed the limits specified in this description will not be approved.If you follow the guidelines above, the material should work properly and thus be approved. If you choose to produce your own HTML5 creatives without the help of our certified production companies, however, it is your responsibility to ensure that the ad is working. If the material does not work as intended, we will put the material on a test page and return it to the production agency for own tests.
1. Annonsörens namn måste anges i alla annonser. Annonser som kan förväxlas med redaktionellt material kommer att märkas "annons" av Prisjakt om inte annonsören väljer att ändra annonsens utseende.
2. Prisjakt avser att följa lokala och internationella regler för annonsering i de länder Prisjakt verkar. Följaktligen måste alla annonsörer och sponsorer göra detsamma. Det är annonsörens ansvar att garantera att så sker.
3. Annonsmaterial får inte beröra följande:politik, tobak, alkohol, vapen, skjutvapen, ammunition, fyrverkerier, pornografi eller hasardspel.
4. Prisjakt tillåter inte annonsering för illegala produkter. Annonsmaterial får inte innehålla material som är bedrägligt, vilseledande eller stötande, inklusive material som förtalar eller förlöjligar människor på grund av ålder, etniskt ursprung, hudfärg, religiös övertygelse, kön eller handikapp.
5. Prisjakt förbehåller rätten att avvisa eller avlägsna annonsmaterial som inte motsvarar Prisjakts etiska principer, bryter gällande lagstiftning eller det avtal som finns mellan Prisjakt och annonsören.
6. Att Prisjakt accepterar en annons kan inte anses som en rekommendation av produkten eller tjänsten som saluförs.
7. Prisjakt upprätthåller en sträng åtskillnad mellan annonser och redaktionellt material för att markera sitt oberoende. Annonsörer och sponsorer kan inte på något vis påverka denna uppdelning. Följaktligen måste de två avdelningarna hållas åtskilda även fysiskt.
* Please note that all the resources required by an ad are counted into the maximum weight, eg. javascript, images, fonts & style sheets. This also applies to third party tags.
* The total number of resources shall be limited to 15.
* All creatives should be secure (https), which means that all ad calls must be over the HTTPS protocol and the domains must have valid SSL certificates.
• All questions and all material must be sent to
• All creatives must meet specified requirements unless otherwise agreed. '
• All creatives must be delivered at least 3 business days prior to publication. If you have questions about the specification, please contact Ad Operations 08:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday at
Vem som omfattas
Den som inför annons på webbplats som kontrolleras av bolag i Schibsted-koncernen, dvs. av bolag som helt eller delvis ägs av Schibsted Sverige AB eller något av dess dotterbolag, eller av Blocket AB eller BytBil Nordic AB (nedan ”Schibsteds Sajter”), förbinder sig att följa Schibsteds vid var tid gällande villkor för sådan annonsering. Dessa villkor framgår nedan och gäller såväl annonsörer som mediabyråer och annan som för egen eller annans räkning inför sådan annons (nedan gemensamt ”Annonsör/Annonsörer”). Den som anlitar underleverantör i syfte att exempelvis, men inte uteslutande, mäta resultatet av sådan annonsering, förbinder sig att tillse att underleverantören informeras om och följer dessa villkor. Annonsören svarar för underleverantörens agerande och underlåtenhet så som för sitt eget.
Uppdaterade villkor
Schibsted förbehåller sig rätten att uppdatera dessa villkor vid behov och det åligger Annonsörer att hålla sig uppdaterad kring aktuella villkor. Den senaste versionen av villkoren tillhandahålls på Vid större förändringar förbinder sig Schibsted att särskilt informera Annonsören om dessa.
Förbud mot insamling av data
Data avseende användare av Schibsteds Sajter får inte utan föregående skriftligt godkännande från Schibsted Sverige AB samlas in eller hämtas av tredje part i syfte att nu eller i framtiden annonsera mot dess användare eller kategorisera/segmentera användarna i annat kommersiellt syfte genom att använda cookies eller andra spårningsmetoder. Undantag från förbud av datainsamling görs enbart gällande tredje parts åtagande mot annonsör kring insamling av anonym data, vilket är tillåtet i syfte att rapportera och följa upp annonsörens antal visningar, räckvidd och konvertering.
Förbud mot överföring av data
Data avseende användare av Schibsteds Sajter får inte utan föregående skriftligt godkännande från Schibsted Sverige AB delas med tredje part genom att exempelvis, men inte uteslutande, överföras till externa annonsbörser, datainsamlingsplattformar eller andra system för att på något sätt värdeöka eller kapitalisera på denna data.
Förbud mot hantering av personuppgifter
Data som innehåller personuppgifter enligt definition i Personuppgiftslag (1998:204) (”PUL”) avseende användare av Schibsteds Sajter får inte behandlas utan den behandlades uttryckliga samtycke. Med behandling och samtycke avses i detta sammanhang definition enligt ”PUL” och Datainspektionens föreskrifter. Detta innebär bland annat, men inte uteslutande, ett förbud mot att associera cookies eller andra spårningsmetoder med personuppgifter.
Sanktion vid överträdelse
Överträdelse mot dessa villkor innebär även ett väsentligt avtalsbrott mot annonsavtal mellan Annonsör och bolag i Schibsted-koncernen. Vid sådant väsentligt avtalsbrott, eller skälig misstanke om att sådant väsentligt avtalsbrott föreligger, äger Schibsted rätt att med omedelbar verkan häva avtalet och kräva skadestånd för den direkta skada man åsamkas genom avtalsbrottet. Om avtalsbrottet skett uppsåtligen eller av grov oaktsamhet omfattas en rätt till skadestånd även för indirekta skador.
Denna villkorstext är upprättad 2012-12-13
Total size 1920x972 px
Safearea centered vertically 1580x450 px (170 px to top)
Max weight 500kb
File format JPG
Total size 1080x1920 px
Safearea centered vertically 1000x850 px (220 px to top)
Max weight 300kb
File format JPG
test link (open in icognito mode)