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Native - Video
Dagens Samhälle
Business · Sweden
Industry Interviews Interesting people and cases published as videos along with an article – in the right context and to the right audience. The video serves as an engaging introduction to the company, while the article deepens and clarifies the message. The content can be published in the customers own channels and on social media.
- Video interview with a host
- Native article
- Rights for publishing in own channels
- Dashboard for daily results
- Two weeks of native advertising on www.dagenssamhalle.se
- EDR mailing to Dagens Samhälles target groups
- Sponsored post on Facebook to Dagens Samhälles unique target groups
Price 120,000 SEK (of which 40,000 SEK is for production)
Formats and prices
Ad specifications
Drug Listings
PRINT - Bokningsstopp / Materialdag - Dagens Samhälle
Sold by
Dagens Samhälle
Business · Sweden