ELLEs produkter
ELLEs målgrupper
ELLE - Print
Well-educated people who live primarily in big cities.
Fashion-conscious people who think it is important to be well-dressed and attractive.
Early adopters.
Pay more for quality, stylish design and strong brands.
16-54 år
ELLE - Digital
Well-educated people who live primarily in big cities.
Fashion-conscious people who think it is important to be well-dressed and attractive.
Early adopters.
Pay more for quality, stylish design and strong brands.
16-44 år
ELLE (Print + Digital)
16-44 år
ELLEs statistik
4 statistikkällor
Elle.se Total
Website · Orvesto Internet API
307 000
Total räckvidd (individer) per vecka
Elle.se Desktop
Website · Orvesto Internet API
103 000
Total räckvidd (individer) per vecka
Elle.se Mobile
Website · Orvesto Internet API
255 000
Total räckvidd (individer) per vecka
Elle Print
Magazines · Orvesto Consumer Magazines API
106 000
Total räckvidd per utgåva