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On all our sites there is the opportunity to publish natively. Native Advertising is a fast and effective way to get your brand or your product to flourish. As an advertiser, you get a direct communication with our visitors, quick and measurable results state -samt increased awareness and trust in your brand.

Effect of Native Advertising:

∙ Raises attention higher than banner advertising

∙ Creates curiosity

∙ Branding

∙ Driver to purchase

Native advertising is divided into four steps:

1. A push on the landing page that is integrated into the editorial workflow.

2. The native article slid always like Article two of the editorial workflow.

3. All of the customer's native articles collected for optimal navigation.

4. We monitor and measure traffic and update content based on the visitor's needs. Follow-up of the campaign is always delivered to the customer.


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Reklame · Sverige