
Junkfood needed to configure their inventory management system

  • Avoid introducing systems and extra cost

  • Manual demanding tasks

  • Exposed to risk of human error


Junkfood collaborated with Enablment to implement Concitos list to estimate CO2 emissions on surplus food products the receive

Enablment configured their inventory management system so that it also tracks CO2 emissions on products

Enablment implemented…

  • Concitos list to automatically enrich their data

  • rules and logic which

Validation through…

  • automated checks of data input

  • rules and logic implemented to the platform


Junkfood can report saved CO2 emission to their donors which they use in their climate report

  1. Increased functionality of an already used system

  2. Automatically create spreadsheets with scanned food products and their CO2 emission

  3. The spreadsheet cant be populated without CO2 emissions so Junkfood has no risk of not filling out the data