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Theme magazine Kapital Law

Beheerd door Hegnar Media
Financiën · Noorwegen
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Four times a year, JUS takes a deep dive into the world of lawyers. The stories we tell give you greater insight into an industry where the 100 largest players in Norway have a turnover of almost NOK 12 billion annually. JUS is not just a magazine for those with a law degree. The stories are equally valuable for managers, entrepreneurs and employees in Norwegian business, organizations and public administration.

Ad value:

- JUS offers a unique advertising environment that hits both the business world and lawyers. We have readers who are strong buyers and concerned about quality.

- The magazine has an editorial profile with articles in the fields of law, finance, tax and other interesting things, written for business people and lawyers. We know that 64% of Finansavisens readers also read JUS magazine, which amounts to over 44,000 unique readers per magazine.

- The magazine provides a unique opportunity for advertising and profiling legal services. The average for ad attention is a whopping 63% against 43% which is the baseline.

- The magazine has a longer lifespan than the daily newspaper, and every third reader takes care of the magazine.

Contact: Åsa Iversen | E-mail:

Kapital Jus, publications 2024:

  • Friday 1 March 2024
  • Friday 24 May 2024
  • Friday 4 October 2024
  • Friday 27 December 2024