Formater og priser

Tests show that a magazine supplement produces up to ten times higher response frequency than unaddressed direct mail. Your supplement can furthermore have almost any appearance you want, and reach an affluent target group at a very low contact cost.

There are a large number of tried and tested types of supplements and activities from which to choose:• Fixed: stapled or glued on advertisement and as sample. 
• Loose: max. format 208 x 278 mm, min. 105 x 148 mm. 
• Selected: full year subscribers, postcode, age. 
• Enclosed in plastic: with activity letter selected for, for example, retailers. 
• Co-produced: 4-32 pages, material high-resolution pdfs, 208 x 278 mm bleed. 

Formater og priser


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Story House Egmont Sverige
Annoncering · Sverige