The advertiser takes full responsibility for all ad creatives. The contents can be rejected by either Better Collective or the site owners. If this is the case, the creative can either be denied or removed. External resources may not be loaded in an ad without being previously approved by Better Collective. Sounds in an ad may not be triggered automatically, but instead start by the user actively clicking on the ad. Ads with pornographic or violent content are forbidden.

Better Collective can receive and host ads in GIF, JPG, PNG and HTML5 combined with a click URL (as well as a tracking pixel to keep tabs on ad impressions). The maximum weight for a standard creative is 150 KB.

HTML5 banners are to be delivered in a zip file. The maximum combined weight of all components must not exceed 150 KB and the total number of requests may not be more than 15. Please follow the Guidelines for HTML5 hosted ads in Adform PPAS. You can find them here.

We accept ads hosted through ad scripts on third-party servers, preferably including a click macro in order to track ad clicks. Our ad server Adform PPAS works, and is compatible, with the majority of all market-leading ad servers. To ensure correct tracking of banners, be sure to use SSL-compliant tags (https).

Adnami specifications
Topscroll Desktop image
Topscroll Mobile image
Midscroll Mobile image