Målgruppe ELLE Decoration - Print
People who are very interested in food and wine.
They buy a lot of organic, eco-friendly and local products and are willing to lower their standards to protect the environment.
Quickly find out about new products and services in the areas they find interesting.
Social and enjoy having guests at home and are happy to experiment with new food products.
Pay extra for good design and look for brands that reflect who they are. Fashion conscious who think it is important to be well dressed.
Empathetic people who give to charity.
Gjennomsnittsalder 25-64
Kilde: Orvesto Konsument 2023:2
High spenders (index
Kilde: Orvesto Konsument 2023:2
Interests (index)
Kilde: Orvesto Konsument 2023:2
Geografisk fördelning
Kilde: Orvesto Konsument 2023:2