Formats en prijzen
Ad Specificaties
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Advertisement format with looping video (or an image) and space for 4 different images along with sender/advertiser.

Video: Aspect Ratio 1:1 (1080x1080). Maximum weight: 4MB. Recommended video length 6-15 seconds. Alternatively, you can use an image instead of a video. Format: JPG or PNG. Size: 600x600px, Maximum weight: 200kB.

4 different images: 187x187 px/image. Maximum weight: 30kB/image.

Logo: 377x220 px. Maximum weight: 50kB. All spaces can have different landing pages; send different click URLs for each space if desired.

Formats en prijzen

Ad Specificaties

Verkocht door

Bonnier News Bostad
Vastgoed · Zweden