Formats en prijzen
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Customized research

Allt om Vin
Beheerd door Expressens magasin
Cocktails, bier en wijn · Zweden
Volledig scherm

Create your own investigation! We conduct customized research and help our advertisers with everything from questions to analysis of the outcome. Determine your audience's preferences to your brand and related topics.

Study Package, examples:
Small package 10 000 - minimum during investigations independent from advertising
5 questions (2 000 / issue)
Any reader panel / målgruppCa 500
IPSammanställning included
If desired: Raw data, nicer presentation, drawing results
Supplements: Additional questions +1 000 / ask
Additional IP + 2 000/500 IP
Want to do a better approach? - contact analysis

Formats en prijzen

Ad Specificaties

Verkocht door

Allt om Vin
Cocktails, bier en wijn · Zweden