Programmatic Advertising in Stockholm

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Best Programmatic Advertising Providers in Stockholm


93 brands found

Allt om Vin

Cocktails, Beer & Wine · Allt om Vin är det självklara valet för alla med intresse för vin! Vi lockar med kunskapsöverföring utan snobbism och elitism. Vi inspirerar...
Active in Sweden
Offers Programmatic
Reaches 50% women, 50% men, 50-65 years

Buying/Selling Cars · Bytbil - Massor av bilar från Sveriges bilhandlare. Att köpa ny bil ska vara enkelt och roligt. Därför finns – en mötesplats för ...
Active in Sweden
Offers Programmatic
Reaches 67% men, 33% women, 35-54 years

Family & Relationships · With we want to make life richer for all the amazing women in the middle of life! Here we gather the best content in story, health,...
Active in Sweden
Offers Programmatic
Reaches 53% women, 47% men, 35-54 years

Dagens Juridik

National News · Under ledning av chefredaktör Eric Tagesson rapporterar Dagens Juridik dagligen om aktuella rättsfall och juridiska nyheter. Sveriges tyngst...
Active in Sweden
Offers Programmatic
Reaches 52% men, 48% women, 30-65 years
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Automotive · är Sveriges största motorsajt med över 8 miljoner besökare i månaden och 30 miljoner sökningar på fordon. Vi erbjuder alla f...
Active in Sweden
Offers Programmatic


Celebrity Gossip · Hä gives you the most fascinating news about current events in politics, foreign affairs, society, crime, research, tech and economics....
Active in Sweden
Offers Programmatic
Reaches 63% women, 37% men, 25-54 years


Finance · Aktiespararna är det självklara valet för alla som är intresserade av aktier och privatekonomi. Vår målgrupp är inte bara ivrig, engagerad, ...
Active in Sweden
Offers Programmatic
Reaches 80% men, 20% women, 30-55 years


Financial News · På Finanstids plattform öppnas dörren till en exklusiv värld av inflytelserika beslutsfattare inom finansvärlden när ni syns i vår redaktion...
Active in Sweden
Offers Programmatic
Reaches 84% men, 16% women, 45-65 years


Tech · Swedroid är Nordens mest besökta sajt för teknikintresserade som vill ta del av de senaste nyheterna kring smartphones, telekom och allt som...
Active in Sweden
Offers Programmatic
Reaches 71% men, 29% women, 24-54 years

Television · är Sveriges största guide till streaming, linjär-tv och sport med mer än 1,3 miljoner unika besökare varje vecka. Hela 90% av användar...
Active in Sweden
Offers Programmatic
Reaches 54% women, 46% men, 30-50 years


Weather · är en av Sveriges största sajter alla kategorier och den största kommersiella vädertjänsten med över en miljon användare under somm...
Active in Sweden
Offers Programmatic
Reaches 55% women, 45% men, 35-50 years

CAPE Media

Marketplaces · Vår affärsidé utgår ifrån med kunskap om marknaden, koll på läget och initiativkraft att sälja idéer som funkar för våra annonsörer.
Vi ansv...
Active in Sweden
Offers Programmatic

Veckans Nu!

Celebrity Gossip · Veckans NU! is the glamorous celebrity magazine that keeps a close eye on the latest in Hollywood. Always with the best pictures, the hottes...
Active in Sweden
Offers Programmatic
Reaches 79% women, 21% men, 35-64 years


Business · Eniro is a Nordic tech company that helps small and medium-sized businesses with digital marketing. Eniro also has a search service which ag...
Active in Sweden
Offers Programmatic
Reaches 57% men, 43% women, 18-65 years

Parenting · At Motherhood, you meet the real mothers, with the stories that touch, surprise and sometimes even upset. We believe in the power of sisterh...
Active in Sweden
Offers Programmatic
Reaches 60% women, 40% men, 16-44 years

Investing · Placera är en daglig ekonomisajt. Kärnområden är nyheter, analys och vägledning kring aktier, fonder samt sparande i vid bemärkel...
Active in Sweden
Offers Programmatic
Reaches 80% men, 20% women, 40-60 years


Business · är Sveriges mest populära tjänst för alla som är intresserade av att veta mer om Sveriges bolag. presenterar allti...
Active in Sweden
Offers Programmatic
Reaches 70% men, 30% women, 35-45 years

Stammis Student

Food & Drink · 74 000 ICA-studenter lyssnar – vad vill du förmedla? Känner ni att det är svårt att nå den yngre medvetna konsumenten? Ser ni, som vi, värde...
Active in Sweden
Offers Programmatic
Reaches 70% women, 30% men, 18-28 years


Sports · Sportbladet, en del av Aftonbladet, är Sveriges största nyhetskälla för sport i alla kanaler. Varje dag övervakar vi de största händelserna ...
Active in Sweden
Offers Programmatic


Travel · With Reseguiden you are able to compare and book trips from all leading businesses in the travel section - charter, last minute, packages, w...
Active in Sweden
Offers Programmatic
Reaches 65% women, 35% men, 34-59 years
Loaded 20 of 93 results
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What is programmatic advertising?

Programmatic advertising is automated technology used to buy and sell advertising space online. The technology is used to target ads to specific audiences, enabling advertisers to deliver the right message at the right time.

What is the difference between programmatic advertising and traditional digital advertising?

Traditional digital advertising often consists of a manual process, purchasing advertising space, which could be time-consuming. Programmatic advertising automates the buying process by using data and machine learning to buy advertising space in real time, optimizing advertising campaigns.

What are the benefits of programmatic advertising?

Programmatic advertising offers several benefits, such as improved targeting and personalization, increased efficiency through automation, better use of data to reach the right audience and real-time analytics to quickly adjust campaigns. This leads to more relevant ads for the recipients.

What are the most common types of ad formats used in programmatic advertising?

A variety of ad formats are used in programmatic advertising, including display ads (banners), video ads, native ads, and mobile ads. Ads can also be interactive or with more advanced graphics, animation or video elements. The choice of format depends on the campaign's target group, design and purpose.

How do you measure the success of a programmatic advertising campaign?

The success of a programmatic ad campaign is measured by various key performance indicators (KPIs), such as conversion rate, click-through rate (CTR), impressions, cost per click (CPC) and cost per thousand impressions (CPM). Advanced metrics can also include engagement rate, quality of traffic generated, and ROI (Return on Investment). Analysis of this data helps to understand how effectively the campaign reaches and engages the desired target group and how well it meets the set business goals.

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